Riding in shorts yes or no???

Insurance stats say otherwise. That was a study of claims data on 2 million mcycles.

The 50 year old that hasn't ridden for decades is crazy dangerous to himself on a modern sport bike with power he has never experienced.
Old study? I imagine the R1 & R6 would have overtaken the Gixxers at some point.
Nylon seems thin.
Had some Fox kneepads but they'd slip around.

I'm looking at these possibly as an alternate to the ones in the pants that sometimes twist:

REV'IT! Scram Knee Protector | Dualsport Plus
I always wear long pants, and I try to wear my riding jacket whenever physically possible, but I think I've mentioned it before here - I have thermoregulation issues and I can literally get to the point of nearly passing out of I overheat....and beyond a certain temperature and humidity condition, as we all know, there is a point at which even with all your jacket vents open, you're still literally baking.

In these conditions, yeah, I will take the jacket off. It's either that, or I have to park the bike and call it. When you're hours or days from home, that's not always an option. But passing out while riding is going to end badly.

Much like wearing a half helmet vs full face, it's one of those risks I choose to accept in order to be able to continue to enjoy riding.
I wear shorts and a tee shirt on a specific route I take along Lake Dr in Keswick. Speed limit is 30kph to destination and back. It is also the only route I take with my dog as a passenger. Its a little quicker then the bicyclists that take the route as well.
Not always faster than bicycles. A peleton from the Tour de France was lost on Lake drive 2 weeks ago, first time a bunch of bicycles buzzed me on my bike.

I felt so helpless and violated.
Tried a pair like that and found them too hot but REv'it makes good gear and it's CE2.
Think I will try a pair as they will work on the eBike as well. $125 all in here is not bad at all but guessing the neoprene will be hot. Baby powder is my friend.
Interesting that bicycle armoured knee pads are in the same price range.

These are very light and stay in place but don't think are available in Canada. Hinge and straps are excellent and price was right at $59. Been happy with O'Neal racing gear.

You really need three straps as if you try with two the armor slips off the top of the knee but the RevIt gets around that with a sock style fit.
Leatt makeds good stuff toobut $$$

You also want some thin knee high socks.
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I wore tshirts, flip flops, shorts and a beanie helmet with a cigarette in my mouth while riding for the first 3 years. Those were the good old days!

Until they weren’t!
Head on collision over 15 years ago while moving at only 40km/hr was a good wake up call. Other driver 100% at fault for crossing fully into my lane at the very last second. Off work for a year as a result and the other driver wasn't even speeding either.

Ever since, I wear the best gear I can afford at the time and thankfully so, because other recent exciting events over the years and I just walk away ****** instead of hurt.
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