Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia | Page 61 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia

very very sore when I woke up. Lazed around reading and watching media. Outside to supper now and likely do some exercise after supper.
Got paid out on the insurance for the bike. So that aspect cost me $500 for about 4 weeks of riding. :rolleyes:
What I saved in food and drugs living in the Recovery Centre more than offsets that.
Standing getting easier and more confident....muscle memory clearly returning. Right knee wants to swell up and get tight..
One of the exercise machines is a small floor stationary pedals ....actually quite effective and can read or listen to audio books while pedaling. Maybe something to consider for Australia.
Sponsored Ad – Pedal Exerciser Desk Exercise Bike for Leg and Arm Exercise

Something like this. Found it comfortable to do....
Wow....fond memories of Andorra but only by car. Spectacular.
Different look at Noraly and her turn down the steeper track was breath taking.
Enjoyed it. 4 riders one spoon was hilarious.
Definitely will follow some of Charly's adventures. He's very charismatic. Soy Tribu too.
Charly has a full backup team unlike Noraly's completely independent effort.
I like Charly ....

Kid had a good day too.
Screen Shot 2023-09-10 at Sep, 10    2023    10.09.25 PM.jpg
They were sorting mcycle gear from his basement so there will be some very well priced bits for sale.
The good single air mattress I bought them finally arrived after a bunch of snafu from Purolator.

Active Era Luxury Twin Size Air Mattress - Elevated Inflatable Double Air Bed, Electric Built-in Pump, Raised Pillow & Structured I-Beam Technology,

Now partner can sleep downstairs with him in some comfort.

Planning a Wokaway Wings feed this week.
Been eating there for decades.

Now I can use any van to get around instead of a wheelchair specific....much easier to coordinate and actually find transport.
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Rented a small SUV today and heading up the Forks likely both days on the weekend ....will also get over to Arthur for the glider port.
Say hi if anyone heading there. Felt good to be back on the road tho juggling the walker requires some extra parking space.,,..driving was no issue. Being able to get to the sink and mirror in one makes a difference. Can shave easily now.

Really need some strength in my right leg but wandering around the facility is depressing ....too many at the dead end of their lives - some happy, many just floating.
Exhaustingly long day. just home at 10 pm - started at 7.30 am.

Had to find an optical place - the first was closed on Mondays :banghead:
But the second came out to car, grabbed my glasses for a few minutes and brought them backout with BOTH screws sorted. 🇹🇩

Then after being on hold for the car rental place FOREVER they came out to the car and did the renewal. :tup:

Spent day with my son, sorting motorcycle pics and watching the new hot video game.
Managed to make the stairs to the bathroom...a first ...changed my pee bag and other necessary functions.
:leave: Going down was worse

Went to 7 oclock move with daughter . Was just "okay"

Tibet restaurant was also a first.

Momo2Go is a restaurant which was launched in 2016, as Himalayan Kitchen’s sister restaurant. And most recently our third location at 826 The Queensway. The name itself Momo is native to Tibet, Nepal, as a popular south Asian dumpling, gaining widespread popularity across India and its Himalayan regions. Our menu is full of excitement and creativity where we explore Himalayan spices with using the freshest ingredients in the market.

Momo2go offers favorite dishes like Delhi masala momo, butter chicken momo, tikka masala momo, malai masal momo and chilli momo, which have all been inspired from the streets of India and Nepal on our chef’s travel venture. We aim to serve you to the best of our ability with delicious food and hospitality as part of our commitment towards our valued customers.
Blundered home at 10 pm - my right ankle very sore. 🧟
Catheter freedom day at least for a test run. :rolleyes:
After being tethered for 2 months feels strange.

Lots planned for the weekend with kids ....still trying to get a car rental covered but can get into regular cars now and going to mobility store tomorrow for a custom walker courtesy insurance (y) Good progress these last weeks.

Heading to
with dottor on Sunday.
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Did not thnk I'd lunch outside but the sun is warm and not much wind.
With the time change coming up supper jaunts out might be too chilly.
Rider coming to try on some gear later today.

Itchy Boots out with a broken hand so no updates for a while. :(

Noobs got over the border and gonna get married in Vegas 💒:rolleyes:

Really eager to ride again.....🏍️
Great day out with my dottor

Stunning weather.
Despite a wardrobe malfunction with the catheter we made it to the iMax on time.
Went all day with no walker or other support.

Excellent iMax flick topped the day off.
I dropped my older Amazon Echo

which weighs 1 KG from my roll around table onto to the hard floor. It happened before and survived much to my surprise but this crash sounded very damaging and sure enough ,....no response. :(

So I ordered one of the new ones.
When I woke this morning I decided to give the fallen unit one last command and, be damned if t didn't wake and start playing,

One tough bit of kit. But it is staying on the floor now
Listening to this

Planned Algonquin run was moved to Wednesday and we spent the day roaming old haunts around Hockley Valley. Tons of bikes out.
Dottor found a great place to have supper.
Indian Summer ....so nice ...was 27 yesterday.
Went to Hockley for coffee and butter tarts I didn't realllllly need but..
Tons of riders out Marty Shimano in the background...he couldn't do much distance this year due to smoke/fires.
Was nice to see the Hockley Store thriving after that horrid accident.

Nother day without the walker but used a cane successfully

We wandered on a big loop across 89 then ended somehow on Airport Road where Megs found a great place for supper.

One more nice day coming on Wednesday when we head to see the colour at Algonquin Park.

will have to rely on my phone camera this year.
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With my kid today - he's pretty far gone....can just barely understand his speech tho his hearing is good and he is aware. Eyes not a lot of use.
:cry: - at least I got a smile from him.

Also my boots finally arrived today and perfectly supportive of my ankle. I will feel far more stable walking.
Between that and the correctly fitted walker I'll progress. √

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