Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia

What can I say ...
Partly cloudy

Precipitation: 2%
Humidity: 59%
Wind: 21 km/h
Kuranda QLD
Tuesday 1:00 pm
Partly cloudy
Found a new burger joint ...we'll see. Good mix for me. They dropped their prices from this as well...Classic Aussie sans beet root for $10. New owners. Bacon egg and cheese rolls are $7. Lots of competition in Kuranda and lots of tourists plus short work hours for staff.
Smells good too.....
Not so busy today in Kuranda.
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It's mango season - found walking the dog. Perfectly edible. Mangoes everywhere.
Time for a ride up to the tableland where there are thousands of acres of them. Smells wonderful.
On the warmer side today..31 but feels like 29 so lowish humidity.
Don't envy Noraly up the Dalton in the rain.

Nother rider 4 years ago- pre-covid. June I think as he said 24 hour daylight.

Noraly's last ride next time she posts up.
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Maybe this will flush the bugger out...
$1m reward offered in hunt for prime suspect in murder of Toyah Cordingley

ABC Far North / By Kristy Sexton-McGrath and Christopher Testa
Posted Thu 3 Nov 2022 at 6:00amThursday 3 Nov 2022 at 6:00am, updated Thu 3 Nov 2022 at 2:18pm

Haunts me every time I ride by the big sign at Wangetti and I still see many bumper stickers around.

Wheels of justice moving way too slowly in this.
Yay - New Zealand trip coming together. Fly into ChristChurch mid May for a 30 day trip.
We skipped booking a car until 4 days later as hotel has free airport shuttle and only 500m from hotel.
Doing this first morning

https://www.tripadvisor.com.au/Attracti ... erbur.html

Then this the next day which was bucket list item. The TransAlpine Train - there and back.
https://www.audleytravel.com/us/new-zea ... ne-railway

Then the Antartic Centre

https://www.newzealand.com/in/plan/busi ... lsrc=aw.ds
It's about $70 a day for the car rental after these excursions.
Ugh ....tropical Cairns to Toronto in a long day. Glad they dropped the covid stuff. I still used ArrivCan - easy enough and since my Nexus is long gone anything that makes it faster is useful.

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Actually tried to get an earlier flight to cover my son's operation next week but costs were prohibitive and neither he nor I expect issues with the surgery. He thinks only 1.5 days off work.
Tried to borrow Mimico's CB500x since he is quitting for the season but he failed to rise to the bait.🎣
Didn’t even see this. You’re welcome to borrow the bike…but kinda snowy outside so you decide!

I’ll pop the battery in soon as you let me know.
Unlikely but appreciate the offer - would love one last run to the Forks.
I hate the night before a long jaunt...can't sleep and only 4 hours til I go to the airport. Unlike a mcycle trip where I can bugger off at 5 am or 10 am ....damn jets gotta sched. 🛫
Hey MacDoc! I hope you have a nice trip. When you get here shoot me a message. I have some HWK pants you might be interested in. I'll give you a good deal. :^)
HWK Cargo pants. Same size as yours. 36 I think; XL. I had them posted here and we chatted here. The conversation vapourized into the ether. I don't have them with me or I'd check. I sent them to my daughter's in west end Toronto, just in case you might be around. I've emailed you and PMed you. None seem to work.
Aside from middling headache survived. 20 hours in the air and another 10 miscellaneous waiting in queue.
So was at least 36 hours with perhaps 2-3 hours sleep but some enjoyable movies.....mostly mildly tear jerker like August Rush ...I really liked the cast, the audience loved it on RT but critics sniffed.

An adaptation of the book which is fascinating and true. Might have to re-read it and Chris Hemsworth and Tom Holland well cast amongst others.

Those big Boeings are warm inside on long flights and the seats are decent even in steerage.
Remind myself never to get an aisle seat again...too many bumps from carts, wandering passengers etc.
I'll stick with the windows.
Fortunately was only for the Vancouver leg and did make deplaning easier in Toronto which contray to reputation currently was very easy.
Of course no covid and I did pre-clearance. Strolled off the plane, grabbed baggage and into pickup vehicle right quick even tho flight was full. Bag went from Cairns to Toronto without my touching it in between.,....will be tougher on the way home with three stuffed bags, a full max size carryon and a can barely in limits personal bag for lappie etc. 😲
Clearing out decades of stuff is a chore tho sometimes hidden gems.
When I was flying sailplanes and skinny.
single, no kids, ride the Yamaha 400 to SOSA and spend the day...many days.
Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at Nov, 21    2022    2.35.31 PM.jpg
From my pilots licence in the 90s
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6-7C all week @MacDoc. Offer still stands if you want to take a ride on your old X. Just give me a heads up so I can get the battery in.

One last run to the Forks before you leave Canada for good!?
Needs to be a bit warmer - I do have the gear but prefer 10 ish.
Yeah I won't have a residence after that but kids will be here so likely a visit a couple years out.
Dottor will come to Australia again with new beau.
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