Riders in Brampton.

I'm up for a ride tomorrow. I'd like to get out a little earlier though. I'd like to get out around 10 or 11am and be back by noon 1pm ... I'll keep an eye I. The thread and see what you guys decide.

I'll try to make it out for 10, 10:30. Just had a very long day so we'll see. I'll post here in the morning if I can make it out for that time. If not, have a safe and nice ride.
Anyone up for a ride for Saturday? Going to be great weather.

I will be riding at some point this weekend. What timing were you considering? Anyone else up for a meet and greet?
I will be riding at some point this weekend. What timing were you considering? Anyone else up for a meet and greet?

My day is pretty flexible. Just want to get out anywhere while we got this weather. So whatever time and place works for the masses will be fine with me.
My day is pretty flexible. Just want to get out anywhere while we got this weather. So whatever time and place works for the masses will be fine with me.

Same here. Anyone else interested?
Hockley rd and Mono Centre rd. Can also do other nearby roads like the forks if people want. Meet at the Tim's on hwy 10 and Mayfield. What time works best? Noonish?
Hockley rd and Mono Centre rd. Can also do other nearby roads like the forks if people want. Meet at the Tim's on hwy 10 and Mayfield. What time works best? Noonish?

I was hoping for earlier like 10am. Have to be somewhere early evening.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Saturday Sept. 28, 2013

When: 10:00
Where: Tim's (Mayfield and Hwy 10)
Route: TBD (North)
Yes we are at the Tim's

Sent via mobile device.
Anyone riding tomorrow or this long weekend?

Definitely, but not too sure which days and how long at this point.

BTW, I did a pass through River Road this week and it is pretty entertaining.
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I'm going to propose a meetup time and location, but where does everyone want to ride to? North?

North? If so...

Time: 12pm-1pm meetup fill up with gas and coffee
Depart: 1pm sharp
From: Tim's @ Hwy10 & Mayfield
Route: http://goo.gl/qguUi1


Any thoughts?
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