Riders in Brampton.

Anyone want meet up tonight to grab a coffee and tell tall tales about our riding skills?

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See you at Tim's at 10 and Mayfield @ 8pm.

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I'm always in brampton anyways so I'm in. Let me know what's popping
I'm always in brampton anyways so I'm in. Let me know what's popping

Welcome, lunka.

So far there hasn't been too much happening. The posts have been for rides or last minute rides/meets and on a few occasions they've worked out. Feel free to post if you're in the area and looking to meet/ride.

Hopefully, we can get a few more rides in during this season and plan better for next season. :cool:
Another excellent evening for a ride.

I'm going out earlier tonight probably around 6pm, in case anyone wants to me. I want to get in 2h of riding, 6-8pm.

EDIT: Well may be not excellent... thunderstorm watch...
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Hello fellow Bramptonian riders,

I'm 22 and have been riding my Ninja 250r for over two years now. Provided I don't work or have school I'd love to ride with you folks sometime. Live around Main/Queen.

Also s0dhi, you aren't affiliated with Sodhi Furniture by any chance, are you? :D
Hello fellow Bramptonian riders,

I'm 22 and have been riding my Ninja 250r for over two years now. Provided I don't work or have school I'd love to ride with you folks sometime. Live around Main/Queen.

Also s0dhi, you aren't affiliated with Sodhi Furniture by any chance, are you? :D

Actually, I am not affiliated with Sodhi Furniture, but I do know the family that owns it. :)

Feel free to post when you're going out for a ride or a meet up. I'll try to join you if I can. :cool:
I'm heading out Saturday and Sunday. Anyone in? Would like to be on the road for about 10 - 10:30ish am on Saturday. My Sunday schedule is a bit more open. Weekend weather is looking nice.
I'm heading out Saturday and Sunday. Anyone in? Would like to be on the road for about 10 - 10:30ish am on Saturday. My Sunday schedule is a bit more open. Weekend weather is looking nice.

Do you have a route planned yet? Or a destination?

I'm going to juggle my schedule to see if I can join you.
Do you have a route planned yet? Or a destination?

I'm going to juggle my schedule to see if I can join you.

Right now just thinking Hockley rd and the forks. Would like to head north on Hwy 10 or Airport to Mono Centre rd but last I heard it the only through access was by way of detour on hard pack dirt roads.

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Right now just thinking Hockley rd and the forks. Would like to head north on Hwy 10 or Airport to Mono Centre rd but last I heard it the only through access was by way of detour on hard pack dirt roads.


What time do you want to meet up and where? I should be good for tomorrow.

Though it's going to be quite cool tomorrow morning.
What time do you want to meet up and where? I should be good for tomorrow.

Though it's going to be quite cool tomorrow morning.

I just need to be back for 2 at the latest. How about meeting at the Tim's at Hwy 10 and Mayfield for 11am tomorrow? Everyone is welcome.
Apologies for the last minute change but unfortunately I can no longer ride tomorrow. Gotta be in Hamilton early to help someone move. Not my ideal way of spending a Saturday but they need a helping hand and no one else is around. Hope everyone has a nice safe ride. I definitely want to get out on Sunday though.
If your riding on Sunday I might be in depending on what time you launch. I'd join you tomorrow but I need to be back by noon so I'm leaving around 8.00am for a spin.

I should be good for Sunday. Perhaps noonish or so. I'll check this thread and post once I have a better idea. Have a safe one.
Sorry, guys I'm a no-go for Sunday.

I'm still going to head out later today with Team Green if you're interested in joining us, reply or PM me.
I should be good for Sunday. Perhaps noonish or so. I'll check this thread and post once I have a better idea. Have a safe one.

I'm up for a ride tomorrow. I'd like to get out a little earlier though. I'd like to get out around 10 or 11am and be back by noon 1pm ... I'll keep an eye I. The thread and see what you guys decide.
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