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News leak says masking is probably coming back . Oy vey

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That would be shocking in Ontario. Douggie really wants to say covid is gone for the election. Otherwise, he would have left masks in place for at least a few weeks after march break to blunt the huge spike.
If masks come back a bunch of people in my neighbourhood are going to lose their minds. There were multiple "freedom" solidarity mall crawler parades
'meh....upped my masking when the mandate was dropped.
I started an in office job end of 2021, never had the WFH before as I worked on sites all over...when I was working. Don't miss the driving around all over the province.
We got so ramped up in our office with consultants I said screw this and went to the actual project site office. Best thing ever.

Quiet, minimal disruption, and a huge office for me most of the time.
I spend all day in front of a computer, and most of the people that I work with are distributed globally. Most of us make a token effort to go to the office once a week (management wants 3 or 4 days a week), but it's utterly pointless. 95% of the time when I go to the office I put on my noise cancelling headphones and literally talk to no one in person the entire day.

I went in to the office yesterday, and on the commute I gave the finger to a Mercedes behind me who laid on the horn because I wasn't willing to murder a couple of pedestrians who were crossing against the light.

And then perhaps 5 minutes later I laid on the horn to warn the BMW ahead of me that he had crossed the yellow line and was about to go into the opposite ditch. I assume he was on his phone.

And then I spent the rest of the evening swearing at everything around me because I was in a lousy mood from commuting.
I spend all day in front of a computer, and most of the people that I work with are distributed globally. Most of us make a token effort to go to the office once a week (management wants 3 or 4 days a week), but it's utterly pointless. 95% of the time when I go to the office I put on my noise cancelling headphones and literally talk to no one in person the entire day.

I went in to the office yesterday, and on the commute I gave the finger to a Mercedes behind me who laid on the horn because I wasn't willing to murder a couple of pedestrians who were crossing against the light.

And then perhaps 5 minutes later I laid on the horn to warn the BMW ahead of me that he had crossed the yellow line and was about to go into the opposite ditch. I assume he was on his phone.

And then I spent the rest of the evening swearing at everything around me because I was in a lousy mood from commuting.

I've come to the conclusion that if I could walk or bicycle to my office, I wouldn't be as upset as I usually am when I have to go in. It's not being in the office that bugs me, it's the commute. I get nothing out of it but stress and wear / tear on my car.
It's not being in the office that bugs me, it's the commute. I get nothing out of it but stress and wear / tear on my car.
Yup. Let me get up an hour early, so I can fight through a commute that I hate, so I can sit in the office for literally no goddamn reason, and waste at least an hour of my day. Sign me up! <where's that sarcasm font?>
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Was working from home pre-covid, will continue to work from home post-covid - my team is distributed from Vancouver to Quebec City anyway.

The company still has a nice office downtown, and they try to lure us in with a free coffee, but I've been there exactly 3 times last year and exclusivelly for the parties.

This is the way.
Yup. Let me get up an hour early, so I can fight through a commute that I hate, so I can sit in the office for literally no goddamn reason, and waste at least an hour of my day. Sign me up! <where's that sarcasm font?>
I actually don’t mind the commute as it lets me listen to something or call someone in peace. Can’t do that with 3 terrors running around the house.

Plus I have a good team so don’t mind it either and enjoy chilling with our group.

I’m also an early riser so leave the house before 6am, beat traffic, and try to leave the office by 2pm so overall…traffic is minimal.
We closed our Toronto Office and soon will be closing our Vancouver Office yet we have tripled our workforce in the last 3 years.

Before covid 65 employees, today 212 !!

You can employ allot more people working remotely than in expensive office space.
We closed our Toronto Office and soon will be closing our Vancouver Office yet we have tripled our workforce in the last 3 years.

Before covid 65 employees, today 212 !!

You can employ allot more people working remotely than in expensive office space.
Very true, if you MUST be at an office it really limits the search area for new hires.
... they're increasing days in office to 3 from the current 2.

I'm sorry but your agile ceremony isn't more captivating in person.

If it was more productive for me to go into the office i'd be all for it. But they've removed our cubicles and we've just got shared open tables where noise from the whole floor reverberates. Without noise cancelling headphones and being always on mute it's impossible to take all those meetings (that are still done online). It was so bad that our sr director moved our "anchor" day to a more quiet day. But even then, with increased attendance in the office, more people are coming in on the other days and you can't really pull people in and ask them to not socialize, it's kinda the normal thing.

In my current role, i think its a waste of time... oh and the buses for the commute are later than ever. Last year when i was still moto commuting, traffic was way erratic compared to usual (as people don't all commute same hours, same days, every day). I had my traffic patterns down to a science pre-covid now it's impossible to predict LOL.
I guess they gotta keep those real estate leases alive somehow.
meh...get back to the office you whiners! LMAO
if you got me back in the office to the same conditions i had pre-covid, i wouldnt care much. they actually made us do this type of setup for 3-4 months in 2017, screen on a the table, we were bumping elbows, it was temporary and they knew it was $hit conditions.
but for some reason, now it's okay?!
i mean my company makes over 10 billion in net income every year, if you cant get me some cubicle, let me stay at the home desk i had to happily set up on my own dime.
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