Return of Ford Nation

Its a pretty sketchy thing , but I'm not sure I wouldn't do it to in their shoes. The province set this up to happen, Doug just cant shut up, even kicking the CEO to the curb, his current parachute is worth 10 mil.
I could get by on 10 mil for a year or so till i land another cushy gig.

I dare say we'd all do it given the chance, hey your being thrown out of the plane. Did you want a parachute or a backpack?
Speaking of Hydro and Wynne, the Globe just put out a really simple explanation of how Wynne's regime forced Hydro into using voodoo accounting to hide billions of the Wynne-debt. The sole purpose of hiding provincial debt in Hydro is vote buying -- there is no other motivation.

We cringed at McGinty's gas plant vote buying scheme, it bought a seat that he needed on the GTA for $1B. That's a bargain compared to what Wynne is paying -- about $650K to KPMG to devise the scheme, then $4billion dollars in extra interest because of where they hide the debt. Add that to the cost of the rate cut vote buy and the Taxpayers get strapped with a total cost of $21billion.
Yep, this move smells like many other energy related steps. In my view, the idea of a grid based mainly on clean power is the correct one. Having said that, the plan should make a long term sense and that includes the price, Ontarians must be ready pay for the benefit of having a clean modern power grid. Neither one is true at the moment .... and still big unknown is waiting to be addressed and that is a transition from large centralized power generation to many smaller wind and solar power generators ready to contribute to the grid in the future. How will the Ontario power generation pie look like in 10, 20 years?
Yep, this move smells like many other energy related steps. In my view, the idea of a grid based mainly on clean power is the correct one. Having said that, the plan should make a long term sense and that includes the price, Ontarians must be ready pay for the benefit of having a clean modern power grid. Neither one is true at the moment .... and still big unknown is waiting to be addressed and that is a transition from large centralized power generation to many smaller wind and solar power generators ready to contribute to the grid in the future. How will the Ontario power generation pie look like in 10, 20 years?
I think the future is bleak for big power. Clean energy technology is in it's infancy, it has a way to go before it becomes economically viable. I don't think that day is far off, there are big investments flowing into solar and battery technology -- 20 short years from now I can imaging homes becoming energy efficient enough to run off a cheap solar array and battery -- no need for a 200amp service.
I think the future is bleak for big power. Clean energy technology is in it's infancy, it has a way to go before it becomes economically viable. I don't think that day is far off, there are big investments flowing into solar and battery technology -- 20 short years from now I can imaging homes becoming energy efficient enough to run off a cheap solar array and battery -- no need for a 200amp service.

Imagine the savings if you could just run your daily commuter from off-grid power.
IF the government doesn't tax you the death to compensate for the loss of tax income if you go some renewable energy source.
If I could harness the stream at the back of my house, I could go off grid and probably off natural gas too with geotherm heat/AC. Too bad that's a no-go.
If I could harness the stream at the back of my house, I could go off grid and probably off natural gas too with geotherm heat/AC. Too bad that's a no-go.
You can turn an old electric motor from a washer into a turbine. Coupled with solar, you're really set.
You can turn an old electric motor from a washer into a turbine. Coupled with solar, you're really set.
I have to get past the Stream Police, in an urban ravine that's a non starter. I know a few folks that dip the Holland river for geothermal heat & AC and for lawn and garden irrigation, I'm sure if they were discovered they would be immediately cut off.
I thought you were om a farm
Imagine the savings if you could just run your daily commuter from off-grid power.

It really depends where you live ... I think big population areas will continue to be served by big power, even 50 years from now. There's economy of scales and money to be made. Public will also demand that grid power is clean moving forward and affordable, as majority of people today start to understand that the stable grid power is very essential. Now, if you live remotely or in smaller population areas, I think we will see a return of small power generation. I say a return because that's what ruled the beg. of 1900's ... it was just powered by the wrong fuel and started with the wrong current too ... :-)

It will be pretty interesting to watch. Somehow, I still think we cannot walk completely away from nuclear, for a very long time to come ...
I thought you were om a farm
No, my bro is a farmer, I'm in Markham Village. There are a few everflowing creeks that run through town, they empty into the Rouge, I back onto one.
No, my bro is a farmer, I'm in Markham Village. There are a few everflowing creeks that run through town, they empty into the Rouge, I back onto one.
We could be neighbours.
An election is a bit like taking a three year old to a bake shop. You can explain all the good healthy choices but in the end they want the cheaply made cookie with the red icing. Wynne has lots of red icing.
An election is a bit like taking a three year old to a bake shop. You can explain all the good healthy choices but in the end they want the cheaply made cookie with the red icing. Wynne has lots of red icing.

There is nothing cheap about that red icing and the impact to this province.
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