CafeRay, seems we are in same boat (relatively) demographics and insurance wise.. stay in touch to compare quotes. I'm staying with TD. Here's why:
I called around and only got higher quotes, with the notable exception of Dalton Timmis, who quoted me $100 less.
So TD calls back and says they are not going to change the rate. So I cancel with TD on the 14th...and call back DT.
Now, DT says says the minimum rate they can get for a 12 year old 600 on a 50 year old rider with perfect record is ONE THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED AND NINETEEN DOLLARS. Liability only. (more than my two cars, combined). Again, bait-and-switch, the number with DT changed when they knew I was set to cancel.
I immediately hung up on the festering, puss-filled a***ole at Dalton Timmis and re-instated with TD.
So, to summarize:
1. Quotes in person mean nothing.
2. On line quotes, also mean nothing because TD admitted the online quoting system is not updating the new numbers.
3. They are spitting out huge numbers to force all car, home and bike with one company, which is technically legal. It is illegal to only cover you if you bundle, so they get around that with fake numbers to push you.
4. Bob Rae, 20 years later, is still the biggest a-hole Ontario has ever seen because we elected him on the promise of throwing out these leeches on society, and he did nothing, then Harris led the charge to approve every single rate increase applied for through the next governments, and these people all getting graft back in the form of political contributions (notice not a peep from Horvath lately?).
5. motorcycle insurance is the wild west in Ontario and not being regulated.
6. Dalton Timmis can FOAD.