remember your first ride?

the bandit

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Anyone have any funny or otherwise experiences the first time riding a motorcycle?

Here's mine....

my brother had a 83 yamaha xs400 special and offered me to take it for a spin and of course I obliged. I was maybe 15 years old and lived in toronto-Dufferin and Dundas area on a very small side street cars parked on both sides didn't have a clue how to work a clutch and gears so he gives me the run down and I get on thinking I'll give it a go.I couldn't take off stalling it constantly so he pushes me to get off, so now I'm moving and I'm thinking wow this is cool.Get to the first stop sign and don't stop in fear of stalling and make the turn I proceed down the street to the next stop sign now I have to stop due to traffic.I gotta make a left now so throttle up release the clutch perfect I'm moving everything going great except didn't turn and smacked some poor guys parked car on the left side.I'll never forget the look on my brothers face when he saw me walking around the corner "Wheres my bike?"Anyway I was hooked

So lets hear some of yours
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Anyone have any funny or otherwise experiences the first time riding a motorcycle?

Here's mine....

my brother had a 83 yamaha xs400 special and offered me to take it for a spin and of course I obliged. I was maybe 15 years old and lived in toronto-Dufferin and Dundas area on a very small side street cars parked on both sides didn't have a clue how to work a clutch and gears so he gives me the run down and I get on thinking I'll give it a go.I couldn't take off stalling it constantly so he pushes me to get off, so now I'm moving and I'm thinking wow this is cool.Get to the first stop sign and don't stop in fear of stalling and make the turn I proceed down the street to the next stop sign now I have to stop due to traffic.I gotta make a left now so throttle up release the clutch perfect I'm moving everything going great except didn't turn and smacked some poor guys parked car on the left side.I'll never forget the look on my brothers face when he saw me walking around the corner "Wheres my bike?"Anyway I was hooked bought my own bike a 1972 kawasaki H1 500 with no licence 15 years old and hit the streets remember this is in the early eighties $28 no licence $28 no insurance.

So lets hear some of yours

1983? Man, you are ooooooooooold.


First ride....Aug. 2011

Rode my 2011 Ninja 250 home from Kahuna to my place ( Victoria Park and Eglinton ) on my M1 so no highway... made it easy.. took Steeles east then Vic Park south to Eglinton.... what a rush to not have the cage for protection anymore
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Nobody had ever seen one before.
My Dad bought it (in the crate) and we built it in the basement.
LOL first time after taking the safety course I picked up my 250 from the stealership I was so nervous on the road I kept forgetting how to use the blinkers and I kept thinking the gearshift was a clutch since I was so used to driving a standard car.

I am suprised I didn't lock up my back tire and crash, man was that even an epic day I thought that 250 was the best thing ever.
Back in 89. I had an 86 FZ600. Just brought it home the night
Before. Next day, my buddy shows up in his 87 hurricane 600.
We went for a cruise around the neighborhood... we were the
coolest kids on the block. Instant superstars... Hahaha
I had a buddy call me from banff, wanted me to drive to Kenora with a pick up truck to pick him and his bike up. Next day I went and got a loan and bought an fz600. Can't remember the year of the bike but it was one of those red and white ones with a really narrow seat....not a cruiser LOL. the next day I went and wrote my beginners. The next day I went for my first real ride. It was 22 hours.....oh to be young again. Stayed in Kenora for two days to give my *** a break. Then rode the 22 hours home. Been riding ever since....would love to have that old FZ600 back in the garage.
Hmmm - don't remember the first ride on it....( although oddly I remember my first ride on a 3 speed full size bicycle very vividly ).


smoky 2 stroke piece of ***** from Allstate by way of Puch....I DO recall crouched over downhill cracking 40 kph on the first longish ride ( perhaps the only ) from St. Catharines to Fort Erie on the back roads.
Some poor sod in Toronto is stilling running around on one of these. 1966 maybe

Don't recall first ride on the real machine that came next but it was a long time keeper. Honda 305 Hawk circa 1967

Superb machine - rode it all year round. Lots of good memories with that including in the mud and hills scrambling - they made them tough then.

Good thread
This is a picture of what my first ride would have been, it was a DMP, ( Delhi Metal Products) , built in Delhi Ontario, use to ride it all over the place, from my house in West Brant, along the tracks and to the "trails" which is now Gilkinson Flats. If my dad was in a good mood, he would trailer to other places to ride, like the bus barns on Grand River ave so I could ride around for hours. I use to ride it to my school in grades 7 and 8.

It had front and rear disc brakes, lights, front shocks and a 4 horse techumesh engine, but it blew up so I upgraded to a 5 hp Briggs and Stratton.


I rode the fzr400 for a week in a parking lot to get comfortable shifting etc... First day I rode a couple blocks and got addicted. I ended up riding all the way downtown lol. On the second day I ended up taking it to work downtown and coincidently took it on the highway. One of the scariest moments so far, I took my eyes off the road for couple seconds- almost went into the shoulder lane/crashing. It was also the fastest I ever rode the bike(150?) - it was in the attempt to chase 2 guys on SS on the highway.
^This pic is also of my first parking ticket lol

Ride safe everyone.
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Old! hmmmm. Twas 1964 and I took off for my first ride on my 1950 series C Vincent. Decided to show off a bit so I went to the local dance and impressed a girl to the extent that she wanted a ride. No problem for this kid, off we go and headed for a spin around the park. Later that night I'm almost home when a police car approaches and a cop sticks his head out the window and yells at me to stop. I'm on a motorbike and can easily outrun a car right. I do have almost three hours of experience after all. I took off and almost got home when I ran out of road..........oops. by the time I'm sorted and off again they catch me within sight of my house, blue lights flashing and the siren going. Apparently some local yobbos had been riding round the park that night and tore up the grass with their bikes and an eye witness saw a Vincent riding by. No mud on my bike so I got away with that but my paper work wasn't quite up to date and the night really went downhill when my Dad walked out of the house in his pyjamas to see what was going on..........
Well it was 2004 & me & my bro got our M1. He bought a bike & insisted i tried his bike. It was a 600 ss, we tried it in the parking lot a bit then the next day I took it on the streets. I gunned it on the open & i nearly shat my pants. I was grinning the whole time

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tis was 3 hours ago when i sat on a bike for the first time and rolled it into my garage while in neutral. memories LOL
My first ride was April last year on my 250. I practiced within my neighborhood for a few days, got pretty confident and figured it was time for the streets.

I was going to go 3 LITTLE BLOCKS, so I could get my safety done.

So it was a clear day, 4PM (wtf was I thinking). Anyways, as I'm exiting my neighborhood, I come upon my first test... the red light! I tell myself "You got this man, you're not going to stall just rev that baby up and go." Of course, when the light turns green I stall with 3 cars behind me *cue embarrassment and shattered ego* I wave for them to go around me and wait until the coast is clear before my second attempt. Thank god it happened in my neighborhood lol.

Time for take 2, no cars around and the light is about to change green... Lets do it! So I go, almost stalled again lmfao, but managed to get her going. Riding along with traffic went better than expected - the cars were behaving nicely, children on the bus were snapping pics with their camera phones, cute girl at the YRT stop totally mirin' (feeling like a boss at this point). On my way to the shop I spot my first biker bro, give him a wave and he snubs me (feelings instantly hurt) but whatever, feels good to be riding anyways. I get to the shop, adrenaline is literally coursing through my veins at this point but I settle down and watch as my bike gets its safety done.

Bike is all good and I'm ready to head home, I notice a slight gradient connects the shop's parking lot to the road, time to separate the men from the boys... So I, ever so gently, ease off the clutch and stop on this slope. I'm thinking to myself "dude I've started from a semi engaged clutch a billion times" no problem. I'm sitting there waiting for the cars to go, there are a ton of cars, I finally spot an opening and BOOM I stall... I ALMOST dropped my bike cause of the gradient but a handful of brake kept me stable. I collected my nerves and roll back down the gradient to start my bike up. On my second attempt I conquered the gradient thus regaining my elation. The ride home was a breeze and I couldn't stop thinking about that ride for the rest of the day.

My first ride is such a vivid memory.
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I'll never forget my first ride.

This was when I picked up my new gixxer from the stealership last week.

Superb machine - rode it all year round. Lots of good memories with that including in the mud and hills scrambling - they made them tough then.

Good thread


Enjoy Aussie
First street bike I ever rode was a 1975 Honda CB360e. I was at a friends house near Creemore ON.
This would have been in 1979. He lived on a dead end gravel road and was the only house.
We were taking turns riding this bike all week, my final ride was after we had been tinkering
with the clutch and well, it didn't turn out so good. I was used to the friction zone being
at one point, now it was almost at far end of the clutch lever travel. I ended up over revving before the
clutch caught and launched me across the road and into a ditch over the handlebars I went and bike
landed on top.

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