remember your first ride?

Can't remember exactly what year it was, but in the early 80's my bro in law had a GS 450 that he let me boot around the neighbourhood on, having only ridden a dirtbike a few times before that it was a rush to ride on the street...

Fast forward to '87, my buddy had an '80 LTD 750 (twin) and I got my learners permit and rode that around a few times before buying my first bike, my '82 GPZ 750...
My first ride (outside of the MSF course) was on my R6, just up and down my street. I was so nervous. First time getting above 40kph, and was quite shaky to start with. Very glad I had my buddy Jeero there for tips and pointers, and also for friendly words and building confidence. It's only been 4 months but it seems silly to me now how nervous and scared I was that day
boom z50...was about 6 yrs old...too fun!
What I rember most about my first ride at about age 14 on a proper bike, which was a yellow Yamaha dirt bike, a 500 CC thumper when monoshock was fairly new approx 43 years ago, was how easily I took to it. That was a very powerful bike but I was able to handle it very well, even doing a "Steve McQueen" when I parked it, ie slid the rear to the right to a dead stop. My friend told me I was doing probably 70 mph on the short flat part of the "course" we had in the sand pits where we hung out, with no helmet, no gloves, just a t shirt and jean cut offs and sneakers. My life being what it is, I didn't get back on a bike for another 26 years. :-(
Cool reminds me of when I first rode my Ducati.......

I'll never forget my first ride.

This was when I picked up my new gixxer from the stealership last week.
My first ride was about 7-8 years ago.

My friends took me out dirt biking after my last exam of university. We had three bikes - my friend just bought a brand new CRF250X, and he had his old '90s CR125 and his 5'4" wife's KX100.

I drew the last straw so I got the KX100. I learned how to shift, and how to clutch, then followed my friends down a gravel road. I topped it out in 5th gear before figuring out which brake level/pedal did what - and had to ride into the bushes to keep from hitting my friends at road's end. Later that day, was crossing creeks, climbing steep hills and riding singletrack... luckily I'd moved up to the adult-sized CR by then.

Good times! Made the MSF course nice and easy.
Mine was 1979, I was 18. I went to buy my first bike - a used Yammie DT175 from a guy who lived near Yonge/Lawrence. He had brought it home and his mom immediately told him to sell it! He never even rode it! (I met his mom too)
I went to his place, and he rolled the bike into the alleyway behind his house. I just hopped on and rode up and down that alley like I had ridden before, even thought it was my very first time.

I bought the bike and it ran out of gas on the hill going northbound on Yonge St just south of York Mills. I thought I had been ripped off! I angrily pushed the back back to the guys place (not too far), and he immediately knew it was out of gas. He gave me some and I was on my way.

34 years and over 20 bike I am.
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Don't remember my first ride when I was a kid and stayed overseas for about 2 years...But I do remember it was on an old school manual Vespa type scooter with my Gramps on the back, I was about 12 or so.

In Canada it was June 2nd 09, the day I picked up my 09 Ninja 250. I rode it home about 25km from Kahuna....It was a blast. I hadn't ridden anything motorized on two wheels in years but I never forgot how to...
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My first ride was just last spring! I remember walking it off my driveway onto the street because I was so afraid of stalling it (driveway is a bit of a hill) and then eventually starting doing circles around the block a few dozen times. I won't ever forget some of my neighbours faces looking at me like I'm some idiot haha. Definitely won't forget that experience
great thread. i wish mine was as eventful and epic as yours, but when we all get on our first bikes for the first time, its epic in all out eyes.

my first experience with a bike was when i was a kid visiting the philippines. went to the local pool hall that my cousin owned, so me, my cousin from here, and my cousin from there all hopped on some motorcycle ( no clue what it was). i was maybe 8 or 9 at the time and all 3 of us rode on it. i was on the back of the bike, which in hindsight was probably the worst spot to be sitting, but it was a short put. my mom freaked but it was pretty epic.

my first proper ride was on junk301's silver 04 zzr 250. i got my m1, and i remember riding around taking action pictures between the 2 of us. epic, and at that point i knew i wanted one. I had my occasional stalls, and man is it embarassing.

my first bike is my current fzr250 which i picked up in the summer. dropped it off at a local shop for safety, and it took forever to get parts in. I was calling almost everyday because i was so anxious. i remember putting down bloor street west on a beautiful august day, biggest grin on my face.
My first time would be at the RTI course, at the Docks...

Although I remember a few things about that weekend; like getting into a panic braking situation early in the first day and completely mashing the front brake and clutch (from extensive bicycling habits) completely locking up the front wheel and being laid on my side faster than I'd ever gone down before LOL

But one memory stands out: While we were practicing emergency braking, as some of you know at the end of your emergency brake trial, you have to ride around the entire lot to re-join the line(s) to practice one of the other maneuvers. By this time I was very comfortable on the CBR125, so during my ride to re-join the line, I was in 2nd gear riding towards the end of the lot; afternoon sun and a warm wind in my face (visor up) and experiencing that 'riding' feeling, that I can't completely describe... it was at that exact moment that I knew I was hooked.

Picking up and riding my first bike from QEW/Isllington to Mavis/Eglinton during the verge of a rain/wind storm was pretty notable, too... I remember how smooth all the controls felt, compared to those beat up RTI bikes, heh.
some good replies fun to read

we could expand on this thread to post our crashes or near crashes

Mine goes like this:

back in the late eighties myself and 3 buddies go for a boot on the QEW and we are just flying I look in my mirror and see cherries coming so being 16 and carefree of course its hammer time so we all take off,my buddie riding a 1983 yamaha special done up like a cafe racer was faster so he cuts in front of me and pins it next thing I know an explosion showering me with insulation and I hear and feel this loud pop,it was his end cap from his header it dinged me right in the helmet so I go into a speed wobble not understanding what was going on and manage to hold it together and make good my escape.It made for many laughs when we got back to the pool hall.

Another memorable one .... I was heading to work early morning and it starts to rain and I didn't want to go through my day all wet so I pick up the pace. I Look ahead and an idiot comes out of a gas station makin a left without looking so I have two choices as stopping in time or avoidance manouver is not an option as the roads were slick with oil and such as it had just started raining so I opt for the bail out technique.I lay the bike down and use it to push myself off of to avoid also hitting the car and as I'm sliding on my arse I'm watching the bike sliding sparks and all maybe 60-80 feet and bingo bango driver door impact and knocked the car sideways a couple of feet.I was so happy after as I had made the right choice.I have a few more but will be for another time

Anyway Take care and keep the posts coming at least it makes for good reading instead of the usual banter
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First ride on 2 wheels with a motor; when I was 13 I got into "pocket bikes", I remember buying one from All Wheels (P.s they suck). Riding out on the driveway during the summer, I had to of gone riding with 5+ buds of mine and we went riding all over town. This is what gave me that spark to ride a motorcycle when I got older, so I did. Just last year, I purchased a CBR 250RA, with no experience driving a car or using clutch (Other then the MSF course) I had the bike delivered. The first time I started it up and pulled away, I was soo nervous but thrilled at the same time. Within that day, I was already riding up and down busy streets and felt in control.
Boxing day 1969 Honda Minitrail, my parents friends who had a farm bought one for their son for Christmas. I remember it like it was yesterday, makes me smile thinking about it, I rode it in the snow till I was frozen.
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