Remains found in Mexico identified as those of missing American | Page 2 |

Remains found in Mexico identified as those of missing American

As I was reading Lightcycle's thread about he and his wife's trip down there I couldn't help but wonder how their time in Mexico and Central America would go... Then they ended up in Morocco and I started to get concerned again...
I recall him saying it's nothing like the drama some people make it out to be.
Seems that experiences in Mexico are highly variable.
I once had three cops in one cruiser escort me out of a bad area of Detroit. They said I was lucky they spotted me, cause they don't enter that area after dark. Lol
I'd already figured out that I didn't belong, just didn't know which way to go and stopping was out of the question.
#17yr old white kid lost in Detroit on 2wheels

"You lost 15 friends on motorcycles? and you have only been riding since 2008? was this a group ride that fell off a cliff or are you being serious?"-ZX600
Who ever those cops were protecting you from deserved a severe beating.
Honduras, Guatamala, El Salvador are all even worse than Mexico but still the main violence is local on local. I've been to all of these places but only felt really unsafe in Honduras and had to duck into a mall when I realized the small gang of youths that appeared behind me wasnt a coincidence.

Dont know now about you lot but if I'm going to areas that might be dangerous I usually check where the no-go areas are first......and stay away from them.

Apart from the border areas I wouldn't have a problem travelling around Mexico though.

i have met a ton of naive people with no street sense while travelling though and they worry me.
Rotten thing to happen but let's be realistic. This type of thing happens in Toronto probably at a similar frequency.

oh come one its not *that* bad here..

I think the most dangerous place I remember being (I've travelled a bit) was to Egypt about 9 mths after a couple bus loads of tourists were killed back in the late 90s. I remember visiting Luxor and seeing the bullet holes on the walls and looking up the canyon where the rebels had come from.. We had a military escort across the desert from Cairo to the Red Sea.
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My ex's sister went to Mexico. She's one of those that is emotional, have very liberal views & won't know a dangerous situation until she's head deep into it.

The moment I heard she went to Mexico, I told her sister, "she better keep to the resort"
Been to Mexico a couple of times. I wouldn't go there on a motorcycle trip unless I was carrying a Glock in my jacket and a Berretta Bobcat in my boots.
Who ever those cops were protecting you from deserved a severe beating.

Normally I'm online with the subtexts of your heckling, but this one is a little opaque
I doubt Iraqi and Syrian forces have the weapons power of the Mexican cartels.

It's not just the firepower they have (which is in some cases superior to that of the military), but the completely cold blooded and utterly sadistic way of killing everybody and anybody that come across their way.
We have been to Mexico many times and had a good time and know lots of people that have traveled Mexico. LOTS have a great trip and come home, a few don't.
Like anywhere in the world, there are provinces/territories of Mexico that are just a really bad idea to visit, and they arent secret, dont go there.
I own a house in Arizona, when we get close to the Mexican borders we get stopped in highway checks on the US side and there is a well known corridor near Nogales that you dont hike/camp/travel through and its on the American side.

The tourist that get into the most trouble are the "I'll be fine" types (they actually dont know any better), and the Chuck Norris I can take care of business guys. This is a place where they dump bags of human heads on the main streets to send a message to the locals to leave things alone.
Life has no value and you cant buy your way out of trouble, does anybody really think they will have more money than a drug lord?
Rotten thing to happen but let's be realistic. This type of thing happens in Toronto probably at a similar frequency.

Toronto has among the lowest violent crime rates for any large city in the world.

BTW..I would not drive through parts of the US either, like the greater Detroit area.
Sad, the limited amount of Mexico I've seen was beautiful, the people were great, but you just can't ignore that crap like this keeps happening.
My coworker lived in mexico for 7 years. He says if you're looking for problems, you'll find it. It's the same in any area; if you venture where you're not supposed to, you're going to get into trouble. This guy was looking for a bit of adventure and he found it. There are plenty of riders who have passed through without any problems.
Saw a documentary about Guatemala a few years ago and the general synopsis was that life is cheap. People were so used to violence in everyday life that a dead body on the street wasn't a big deal in some places, the documentary showed a bus driver shot at the wheel and people just going about their daily chores stepping around the bus. Solving disputes using violence was and still is commonplace. Places that have had civil wars tend to be like this and activities where the profits are high will make extreme violence more common. Funny thing is, I've also found some of the kindest people live in these paradox.

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