Record players and vinyl albums


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Do we have any other vinyl lovers on here and what are you listening to them with?
I sold most my equipment but still collect vinyls. I was using Technics mk5s with Shure m447s needles. HDJ1000 headphones for when I don't feel like using the monitors.
Do we have any other vinyl lovers on here and what are you listening to them with?

I still have a couple of Technics 1200s from my DJing days. I use those now mainly for just listening to LPs.

One thing I am fighting at the moment is that the low frequency from the needle is really causing my speakers to earthquake. No noise, but they are freaking out. I used to own an DJ equalizer that cut out the low frequencies which helped with the problem. I'm having a hard time finding a (cheap) alternative to the problem now. (I would have thought there could be a fix to this problem out there).

Note: I connect my turntables to my mixer, then the mixer to my home theatre receiver. The receiver does not have a phono input.
8-tracks only for me....except when I crave high definition music then it's slightly stretched cassette tapes...if I feel really nostalgic I spin a 45 on my forefinger and listen to it using a sewing needle...
I've got a couple of tec 12's from a past life. Don't use them much anymore. (If anyone is interested, make me an offer)

Chaos - you may be able to add an high-pass filter in the signal line (probably between the mixer and amp to minimize noise). The circuit is simple just a cap and resistor. TheDirty is much much better with electronics than I am, hopefully he chimes in and lets me know if I am missing something here.
Chaos, are you sure that your cartridge is properly aligned? Check on vinylengine forum - those guys know everything about turntables (or CAM if you want local opinion).

I have around 100 LPs, 10 are modern 180g releases and sound fantastic. Using Dual 1228 table with Shure M97xE and Rega Planar 2 with AT 440 cartridge. But with the baby in the house, I listen to vinyl even less than I ride my bike :)
Used to listen to mine before I moved.. on a set of oldie speakers and my HD600's--no more. Sold it before I moved, and have been listening to crappy internet downloads for the past 3 years.. barely any headtime with the HD600's.

Off to kijiji I go. Missing me my Carlos Santana.
I've got a couple of tec 12's from a past life. Don't use them much anymore. (If anyone is interested, make me an offer)

Chaos - you may be able to add an high-pass filter in the signal line (probably between the mixer and amp to minimize noise). The circuit is simple just a cap and resistor. TheDirty is much much better with electronics than I am, hopefully he chimes in and lets me know if I am missing something here.

That sounds like what I'd be looking for, yeah. Do you have any links handy about this stuff?
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Chaos, are you sure that your cartridge is properly aligned? Check on vinylengine forum - those guys know everything about turntables (or CAM if you want local opinion).

The cartridge/needle may not be properly aligned. Also, I have not checked the tone-arm weight in quite a while. With the press of a single button, my DJ set up was able to hide all these problems away from me (I'm pretty sure it was basically just a low frequency cut off around 30Hz if I remember correctly). I guess laziness, and eventually forgetfulness, got the best of me.
I recently started a vinyl collection. Someone gave me an old player but I don't have speakers for it. Old style connections so I'm hunting thrift shops to find a pair.
I still have and will probably always keep my Technic 1200 Mk2's even though right now, they are sitting on a shelf unplugged collecting dust. I have a wall of records that I hate everytime every time I have to relocate them.
where are you guys buying vinyl? I was having good luck on ebay for a while buying older stock, but in the past few years, it became trendy again, so newer releases and represses are not cheap, especially if you buy the thicker vinyl issues.
I recently started a vinyl collection. Someone gave me an old player but I don't have speakers for it. Old style connections so I'm hunting thrift shops to find a pair.

make sure you get a receiver with phono/turntable support.
where are you guys buying vinyl? I was having good luck on ebay for a while buying older stock, but in the past few years, it became trendy again, so newer releases and represses are not cheap, especially if you buy the thicker vinyl issues.

What genres are you buying?

I remember the vinyl scene on ebay got really hot around 2000-2002ish. Everything was overpriced and people where bidding silly amounts on crate filler type junk. I remember looking on ebay a few years ago because I was thinking of offloading my collection and it was an entirely different ballgame. Now with all the DVS systems and Controllers, not many are looking for vinyl.... Just some genuine packrat collectors and hippies wanting to look cultured. Gone are the days of Thursday night new releases at Play De & Traxxx.

Anyway, I think discogs is a pretty good place to look nowadays as far as online shopping goes.

The last record I bought was on Record Store Day at Play De Record.
where are you guys buying vinyl? I was having good luck on ebay for a while buying older stock, but in the past few years, it became trendy again, so newer releases and represses are not cheap, especially if you buy the thicker vinyl issues.

Several stores in Toronto are selling used and new vinyl. There is a list posted on CAM somewhere. The new stuff I buy online, but it's not cheap - $25-30 and more.
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