Record players and vinyl albums

What genres are you buying?

I remember the vinyl scene on ebay got really hot around 2000-2002ish. Everything was overpriced and people where bidding silly amounts on crate filler type junk. I remember looking on ebay a few years ago because I was thinking of offloading my collection and it was an entirely different ballgame. Now with all the DVS systems and Controllers, not many are looking for vinyl.... Just some genuine packrat collectors and hippies wanting to look cultured. Gone are the days of Thursday night new releases at Play De & Traxxx.

Anyway, I think discogs is a pretty good place to look nowadays as far as online shopping goes.

The last record I bought was on Record Store Day at Play De Record.

I'm mainly focusing on classic rock LPs now. Stuff like Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Police etc. I'm also buying modern rock stuff like U2, Coldplay. I don't buy often though. I usually just rummage at yard sales or markets. I get lucky once in a while. I scored a Pink Floyd - The Wall for $5 recently.

Oh man, that's memories. Thursday night were mental at those shops. They would lay a track down, then a bunch of people would stick out their hands for copies. I burned a lot of money down there in the 90s. Had beatport and serato existed then, I'd be living large today.

You're right about discogs. I totally forgot about them.
Discogs is a good one although it hasn't been the same since Beatport started getting bigger.

I've had amazing luck at Goodwill/thrift/salvation stores. Amazing Jazz, rock, and pretty much everything finds.

For 45s, I really like Kops Records on queen. But my other go-to stores have usually been play de records & moog music (look at their crates UNDER what's on display.)

I used to have this dream of lining my walls with classic vinyl album covers, but it died once I couldn't find a cheap source for vinyl frames.
Several stores in Toronto are selling used and new vinyl. There is a list posted on CAM somewhere. The new stuff I buy online, but it's not cheap - $25-30 and more.

We were paying those prices for Japanese imports and direct to disc pressings in the 70s/80s, so the prices for domestic now aren't that far off.
I scored a mint used Pink Floyd The Wall today at sunrise records in Cloverdale for $6.99.
I have no idea what you guys are talking about for audio. LOL.

I get most of my vinyl at garage sales. Kenny Rogers The Gambler started the whole collection. Admittedly the collection is under 10 in total right now, but I've got plenty of time.

Led Zeppelin will always be my go to but I like strange stuff.
Usually the first thing I do when the missus leaves the house is throw on a record. I kept my old collection from when I was a kid so have a lot of 70s and 80s punk from the UK. Some funky coloured vinyls as well.
I have a Tech 12 for listening with my disco/funk stuff and newer down tempo house. Also looking for goof stuff so PM me!

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Sorry, thread highjack. I saw these once before

they may be the answer to my problems.

FMOD's will likely work for you but although they state they have a 12dB slope they often don't achieve that. They're cheap though so you're not missing much if they don't cut out enough of the material. First double check your receiver doesn't already have a subsonic filter you can use.
You can connect your old turntable to an amp that is lacking phono inputs by using a phono pre-amp. This website has quite a few....

Question - I have a large collection of LPs of almost every genre that I wouldn't mind selling (mostly from the time period 1970-1990.) Most in mint condition. Anyone know how I might go about doing this, other than ebay or kijiji?
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You can connect your old turntable to an amp that is lacking phono inputs by using a phono pre-amp. This website has quite a few....

Question - I have a large collection of LPs of almost every genre that I wouldn't mind selling (mostly from the time period 1970-1990.) Most in mint condition. Anyone know how I might go about doing this, other than ebay or kijiji?

Any Led Zeppelin?
You can connect your old turntable to an amp that is lacking phono inputs by using a phono pre-amp. This website has quite a few....

Question - I have a large collection of LPs of almost every genre that I wouldn't mind selling (mostly from the time period 1970-1990.) Most in mint condition. Anyone know how I might go about doing this, other than ebay or kijiji?

Periodically, there are record sales in the city and you could book youself a table and try to sell locally that way as an option. Alternatively, I mentioned earlier in the thread a site called that you could create an account on and then list all the items you have for sale.... I think for maximum dollar you may do better selling online that way or through ebay.
FMOD's will likely work for you but although they state they have a 12dB slope they often don't achieve that. They're cheap though so you're not missing much if they don't cut out enough of the material. First double check your receiver doesn't already have a subsonic filter you can use.

Nah, my receiver definitely does not have one. I found this that might do the job. Pricy though:

Might be cheaper to just get a dedicated amp!
You can connect your old turntable to an amp that is lacking phono inputs by using a phono pre-amp. This website has quite a few....

Question - I have a large collection of LPs of almost every genre that I wouldn't mind selling (mostly from the time period 1970-1990.) Most in mint condition. Anyone know how I might go about doing this, other than ebay or kijiji?

I call first dibs on the heavy metal records ;)
Periodically, there are record sales in the city and you could book youself a table and try to sell locally that way as an option. Alternatively, I mentioned earlier in the thread a site called that you could create an account on and then list all the items you have for sale.... I think for maximum dollar you may do better selling online that way or through ebay.

Thanks Toshison! I'll look into discogs...

I call first dibs on the heavy metal records ;)

Any Led Zeppelin?

I'll have a look at what I have ... I think all my Led Zeppelin is on CD, but I think I have a complete set of the Beatles re-releases (circa 1982) and I'm pretty sure I have some '70s rock like Blues Magoos, Black Sabbath, etc.

Any idea what these kinds of records might be worth? Prolly $$millions! :-)
I was at the record store last week and got a bunch of old albums, the prices ranged from $6-$18 for some of the stuff I bought. I don't really care about album cover condition too much but I am anal about scratches.
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