Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Too much crying...and group hugs...
Is that what people don't like about it? I didn't even notice it that much, but at the same time, Burman's laid back relationship with her crew is more like that in TOS, Enterprise, Strange New Worlds, and Lower Decks (even discounting the comedic purpose). I hated TNG (and what little I watched of Voyager and DS9) for making the captains so stand-offish from their crew, even though it may be more realistic "chain of command" behaviour.
Is that what people don't like about it? I didn't even notice it that much, but at the same time, Burman's laid back relationship with her crew is more like that in TOS, Enterprise, Strange New Worlds, and Lower Decks (even discounting the comedic purpose). I hated TNG (and what little I watched of Voyager and DS9) for making the captains so stand-offish from their crew, even though it may be more realistic "chain of command" behaviour.
Besides the crying, the crew seems very superficial and the relationships forced. They talk a lot about being connected, and sharing these deep emotions etc, but it's not really demonstrated. Picard was a bit cold and commanding, but you never doubted his ability to lead, or be a person when the crew was interested in him The slow revealing of his character worked well for the show and showed how much depth his character had. Kirk, Spock, and Bones. Just saying those names you can immediately picture the bond they had and how they were all buddies beside being crew mates. Burman and crew I can't even think of what makes them click or work together besides being on the same ship.
Besides the crying, the crew seems very superficial and the relationships forced. They talk a lot about being connected, and sharing these deep emotions etc, but it's not really demonstrated. Picard was a bit cold and commanding, but you never doubted his ability to lead, or be a person when the crew was interested in him The slow revealing of his character worked well for the show and showed how much depth his character had. Kirk, Spock, and Bones. Just saying those names you can immediately picture the bond they had and how they were all buddies beside being crew mates. Burman and crew I can't even think of what makes them click or work together besides being on the same ship.
Say "The Holy Trinity" to a Trekkie and they immediately know who you're talking about.

The Mirror Universe is a cool premise for a show or two, in the run of a series. Basing your entire first season (maybe more?) on the premise that someone 'slipped over the border' and is commanding a ship, isn't. I'm told that they stepped back from that crap in later seasons but they had already lost me, long before then, and I wasn't coming back.
The Gorge was watchable. Katherine and I felt it was a "turn your brain off and just watch" kind of movie for the most part. It felt like a 90s movie to me, if that makes any sense.

Now, Section 31, both of us noped out on it about 15 minutes in. K is a major ST fan and we suffered through the Picard series but we just couldn't do Section 31.
I watched Nosferatu the other day. I liked the extreme creepiness and relative simplicity of it, but it still doesn't "beat" Coppola's Dracula.

The idea of an ugly, disgusting vampire does probably fit better with the original concept of them. And man, the story about the original movie and its follow-ups is interesting, as well. I had no idea that the original was almost wiped out of existence by the Stoker family.
The Gorge was watchable. Katherine and I felt it was a "turn your brain off and just watch" kind of movie for the most part. It felt like a 90s movie to me, if that makes any sense.

Now, Section 31, both of us noped out on it about 15 minutes in. K is a major ST fan and we suffered through the Picard series but we just couldn't do Section 31.
Watched the Gorge and felt the same. Not an Oscar winner by any means and has a bunch of plot holes but still a good watch where you truly root for the two protagonists. I liked it.
Just finished watching The Gorge - I found it absolutely awesome, it has everything I love, just wish they did show more skin and rated it M instead of E.
I guess I am just too dumb and simple to understand any negative critique of this movie :P
Yeah I watched that a while back was well done and very engaging.
Now I want to rewatch Munich, but i have work in just over 8 hours...decisions, decisions..
Been meaning to watch this
Kate Middletons ancestor was a Boleyn


I enjoyed the movie tho its accuracy is panned….

the cast is bang on.....actors i adore and a great portrayal and look for Henry.

and out of all the drama, religious upheaval and bloodshed emerged Englands greatest queen. Elizabeth the First.
How fates of nations turned on one infatuated king and an ambitious family..
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