Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

The 2004 Evel Knievel
It's a horrible movie. The fact he was always wearing a modern helmet even in close up non riding shots bothered me, but if you persevere to the end they roll credits over old footage of his unsuccessful landings which is really something to see.
I thought it was suppose to be a more commercially acceptable version of 2001, but it wasn't very good,

I disagree.

"Becky" on Netflix - Think "Home Alone" with less comedy and more Neo-Nazis. Pretty formulaic, but I think I'm going to immediately start watching the sequel right now.

I enjoyed them as well, even though I thought they were "good" vs "great" (especially the original). And if you liked that, you may also like this in the horror/comedy genre with a slightly lower IMDB rating , but I thought it was funnier and kept you wondering (as long as you didn't watch the trailer or any reviews). Just go by the tagline and just watch it for best effect:

"When a hopeless stag party goes on a mock zombie survival weekend, an unfortunate turn of events leave them fighting for their lives."

Watched Gladiator 2... compared to the first one it was terrible. The writing and dialogue between characters was absolute dog ****. Not sure if it was the writers strike that did this but ive noticed it in most of the recent movies (really bad in mufasa too) and tv shows ive watched. Where did all the good writers go?
Watched Gladiator 2... compared to the first one it was terrible. The writing and dialogue between characters was absolute dog ****. Not sure if it was the writers strike that did this but ive noticed it in most of the recent movies (really bad in mufasa too) and tv shows ive watched. Where did all the good writers go?
The good writers are too expensive. They have probably been largely replaced with AI, for those terrible projects. Write an outline, feed it into ChatGPT, then have some hack "punch it up."
Watched Gladiator 2... compared to the first one it was terrible. The writing and dialogue between characters was absolute dog ****. Not sure if it was the writers strike that did this but ive noticed it in most of the recent movies (really bad in mufasa too) and tv shows ive watched. Where did all the good writers go?
It was okish, nothing compared to the original. Denzel's character while interesting on his own, felt out of place. Compared to the rest of the cast.

Writers, who knows. Though there are some good things happening in TV space.
I'm planning to check out the oscar nominated flicks, hoping they are not too artsy and have decent stories.

okay so far - like the cast.
Jodie Comer and Elvis....not bad - might read the book it's based on which apparently is a true story.
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Decided to check out some of the movies on the Oscar best picture list.
First one so far:
Not sure how this movie garnered the praise it's getting. It's a B movie at best, and weak version of Pretty Woman, without the charisma of Julia and Gere. Some of the characters are very cartoonish, and don't really make much sense to the tone of the movie, which is all over the place. I couldn't finish it.
Section 31 - don't bother unless you're a die hard Trekkie and love Discovery, and even then I couldn't believe what I was watching. Might as well have been a fan-made movie. That said, there was one review which said it wasn't as bad as all the other reviews made it out to be, so hopefully you feel the same.

Section 31 - don't bother unless you're a die hard Trekkie and love Discovery, and even then I couldn't believe what I was watching. Might as well have been a fan-made movie. That said, there was one review which said it wasn't as bad as all the other reviews made it out to be, so hopefully you feel the same.

Die hard Trekkies don't watch "Discovery" ;)
Why not? I love it. Granted, the first 2 seasons were way better than the later ones. I still remember being in awe of the first battle, I thought I was watching a movie, not a TV show.
It went very un-Trek, in an effort to bring in new viewers. Some people love it. I hated it and gave up on it rather early. By comparison other new stuff, like "Lower Decks" and "Strange New Worlds" felt like coming home and I loved them. Really looking forward to the new season of SNW and sad to see LD go, but enjoyed the ride. Even "Prodigy" is well worth watching, though the vibe is more Star Wars than Star Trek to me.
Why not? I love it. Granted, the first 2 seasons were way better than the later ones. I still remember being in awe of the first battle, I thought I was watching a movie, not a TV show.
Too much crying...and group hugs...
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