Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was just...bad. Don't waste your time. Michael Bay is consistent with ruining my childhood shows by turning them into 3 hour long explosion fests.
I'll give it a shot.. So this is kinda like the Sharknado Franchise.. The original is total crap and takes itself a bit seriously, while the 2nd one is all jokes and turns out to be better for that reason?
Well, I actually did like the original so I wouldn't go that far. What did you not like about the original? Did you think it was too cheesy or campy? If that's the case you'll absolutely hate this one, are you one of those zombie purists that expects zombies to be, well, zombies and get ****** off if a zombie starts running or talking than you'll hate it too, but if you find stuff like zombies ripping a dude's guts out and using it as a skipping rope hilarious, then you'll love it. That's not an actual scene but watch how the zombies get fuel into their tank...... Hilarious.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was just...bad. Don't waste your time. Michael Bay is consistent with ruining my childhood shows by turning them into 3 hour long explosion fests.
Dumb & Dumber To:
I thought it was really funny...laughed my *** off throughout the whole movie so if you like comedies then I recommend this one for sure!
Think it will be better than Gravity?
Interstellar might actually have some depth. Gravity was a fun watch, with great sound and visuals, and some tense moments but let's face it, the story was simple as hell and the movie was very short with nothing that really made you think.
Apparently one of the "inconsistencies" was that Sandra Bullock's character was supposed to be wearing a diaper when she got out of the space suit. LOL It's a solid movie and fairly realistic. It doesn't try too hard to be philosophical like Interstellar but everything it tries to do it does well.I'm glad I followed my guts and watched Gravity. Really enjoyed it. There is only 2 characters in the movie, but the story telling was amazing. They were consistent with some of the physics in space. There was 1 or 2 inconsistency, but that's alright.
Made the 90mins went by really fast
Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others).
Too fresh off the movie currently for final thoughts, but it must be the best movie I've ever seen.
i wish i saw Gravity in IMAX.
saw The Hobbit -- Battle of the Five Armies. Liked it, but could see why some critics wouldn't like it.