-Million ways to die in the west
That's it so far recently. Looking forward to Tom Cruise's new movie.
Breathtaking idea. One would think that technology would help us to stay connected, yet it only makes people more distant.
I found the story line to be captivating at first - all the cool gadgets and stuff, then as the plot evolved - rather sad. The morale of the movie - trust no woman.
The voice of Scarlett Johansson and appearance of Olivia Wilde was worth paying for the admission though.
P.S. I wonder if he ever went back to that store he purchased the OS from and asked for a full refund... :lmao:
A simple way to put it - Groundhog Day on steroids.
It kept me full of attention all the way through, and I get bored easily. Awesome CGI and sound.
Make sure to watch it in 3D at Ultra AVX or Dolby ATMOS - it's worth it.
+1 groundhog day meets starship troopers
You guys do realize that the movie theaters use the exact same surround sound and digital projectors whether you bought a ticket for Dolby Digital surround sound or not?