Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

I thought not having cable growing up was bad

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Lol I grew up where cable TV didn't exist. Had a 20" Phillips color tv, that was older than me.. Still ticking at my uncle's cottage
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Ah geez you guys are breaking me heart...
My (much) older brothers always said I was spoiled because they only got to listen to radio shows as kids whereas I got to watch programs on our 7" RCA. And then before I was old enough to start school my father built his own 27" cabinet B&W. He never owned a colour TV until after I'd moved out of the house, (the old bugger).
The wife and I made due with a used Zenith B&W until it died around 1979. My Dad surprised us with a 24" Bradford colour portable from Zellers. Last I heard it was still working as a Nintendo player. Wow that's 35 years old now. Won't get that from any fancy flat panels today will ya!!! ;)
3 Days To Kill - Wasn't expecting much. Was pleasantly surprised it was pretty good.

The girl who played with fire - Well done. Better than part 1 in the series.
3 Days To Kill - Wasn't expecting much. Was pleasantly surprised it was pretty good.

The girl who played with fire - Well done. Better than part 1 in the series.

Part one made me want to put a bullet in the head of every male character, then not watch part two.
Xmen Days of Future Past:

Great FX, good storyline that intertwined with past installments.

Tip: stay in the theatre ;)
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Does Wolverine die in this one?

There's probably doing to be a next one, surprise surprise.

Trying to make the most $$ out of it
What format did you guys watch it in?

3d ... Regular... Or something like iMax or ultra avx

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Watched it UltraAVX. Long movie so you want comfy seats, but I'd say it's the best X-Men they've made thus far. Worth the watch. Stay until after the credits.

What format did you guys watch it in?

3d ... Regular... Or something like iMax or ultra avx

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Watched it UltraAVX. Long movie so you want comfy seats, but I'd say it's the best X-Men they've made thus far. Worth the watch. Stay until after the credits.

All the best things happen after the credits.

Just saw Memento, awesome awesome movie. what a mind****[/IMG

Just saw Memento, awesome awesome movie. what a mind****[/QUOTE]

Welcome to 2000
Xmen Days of Future Past:

Great FX, good storyline that intertwined with past installments.

Tip: stay in the theatre ;)

Thanks for the heads up. I'm going to see it this week. also thank you for no spoilers. lol
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