Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

New Top Gun movie - It’s good fun entertainment, but not as amazing as the reviews led me to believe.
The Black Hole (1979)

The Good: Great special effects and set design that, thanks to remastering, have stood the test of time pretty well. This was Disney's most ambitious and expensive project at the time, and it shows. The pacing isn't bad either, and the story is not as dated as I thought it'd be.

The Bad: Some pretty bland, wooden, acting. I guess most of the budget went to other departments, not enough left to motivate some of the actors to actually act. Random moments of humour don't really match the overall serious tone of the movie.

No way! I loved it in the theater, and have an old copy of it. Would be nice to see what a remastered version looks like. Thanks!
Watched Top Gun Maverick last night... total meh.
Kinda re-hash of the original, but very cliche and predictable, with no charm, or memorable moments, completely forgettable.
Watched Top Gun Maverick last night... total meh.
Kinda re-hash of the original, but very cliche and predictable, with no charm, or memorable moments, completely forgettable.
i think the bar is commonly set too high on sequels, once the original story is told the magic is lost.

Maverick was entertaining, i enjoyed it for what it was.
Top Gun : Maverick ....kinda and fun and tied things up.
Jennifer Connoly good choice. Killer cute dottor.

There is a good docu on Val Kilmer floating around.
Watched Top Gun Maverick last night... total meh.
Kinda re-hash of the original, but very cliche and predictable, with no charm, or memorable moments, completely forgettable.

I watched the original last night in preparation for Maveric this Friday. I was hoping Maverick would deliver charm, memorable moments that were unforgettable.
Thor - Love and Thunder, surprisingly not terrible like I had heard. It’s not Avengers Endgame but it has some funny moments and is decent entertainment despite some seemingly obvious plotholes

Great story ...True story and my dottor in law was conceived on the night of the big win - ( mum n dad were sailors )
Australia went nuts…..132 years in the making…..and hero who designed the boat and in particular the secret keel had only 3 years of regular education up against the New York Yacht Club and access to naval architects and piles of money....…the Aussie was clearly a savant on the spectrum tho that was not really recognized at the time. Pretty obvious in hindsight.
Feel good story...

Great story ...True story and my dottor in law was conceived on the night of the big win - ( mum n dad were sailors )
Australia went nuts…..132 years in the making…..and hero who designed the boat and in particular the secret keel had only 3 years of regular education up against the New York Yacht Club and access to naval architects and piles of money....…the Aussie was clearly a savant on the spectrum tho that was not really recognized at the time. Pretty obvious in hindsight.
Feel good story...

Aussies and new zealanders tend to punch above their weight in a lot of sports. For a country of only 20 odd million people we've even had a crazy amount of motorcycling champions. It's a very competitive country and the way the Institute of sport is set up is quite amazing.
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