Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Tread. Try and watch it without watching the Trailer, but here it is if you can't.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
Watched Jexi...
It's a Rom/Com - annoying that way..

But it's a super amusing commentary of how smart phones and instant social access have taken over our lives...

Movie Quality - 6.5/10
Commentary Quality - 9/10
Finally got around to watching "Guns Akimbo." I much prefer Harry Potter when he's not being Harry Potter. Good shoot-em-up movie.

No emotion
Little character development
Under utilization of good actors

Animation version better or atleast what I remember of it from when it was released. Eddie Murphy was awesome as Mushu. Will have to watch again

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Bill & Ted face the music.... no!

Predictable, no attempt to update the jokes/bits to be a little more current. A scene with death gave me a chuckle, and the muscled up versions of them, but the rest was a snooze.
Bill & Ted face the music.... no!

Predictable, no attempt to update the jokes/bits to be a little more current. A scene with death gave me a chuckle, and the muscled up versions of them, but the rest was a snooze.
That is too bad. Lots of hype.

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The Baztan trilogy;

The Invisible Guardian
The Legacy of the Bones
Offering to the Storm

Decent series available on Netflix.
Gets a little predictable.

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you guys going to movie theaters?

I have no plans to set foot in one until everyone is immunized
Went 3 weeks ago... didn't get the covid. It was pretty empty though, maybe 12 people in the theater and seat selection was restricted to pairs that were a fair way apart.
you guys going to movie theaters?

I have no plans to set foot in one until everyone is immunized
Agreed, haven't gone. I actually staying away from everything. Even take out or restaurants. Except picking up parts / groceries etc.
Passengers - Netflix

Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence
I like both of them
one is funny, the other is hot and kind of quirky

it's JLaw that is hot

decent time waster with a moral dilemma
Polar - Mads Mikkelsen, who has amazing presence as always, in a forgettable action movie that's not terrible. Nothing else to watch right now, so it's worth a watch if you're bored or can't sleep.
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