Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

Vice - I don't know how much of the facts are true but the movie is entertaining.
Rambo.. this time john is in burma. lots of blood and guts and rain. think it's the last Rambo movie. two thumbs up but i like action/war movies
its on NETFLIX!
Arctic. Pretty neat film if you like films with very little dialogue that rely on location shots and atmosphere.
Avengers endgame was stupid. End fight scene was good but overall movie was like trying to watch a whole porn without skimming through it.
Avengers endgame was stupid. End fight scene was good but overall movie was like trying to watch a whole porn without skimming through it.

Well good movies are subjective to the viewer but there are plenty who completely disagree, I being one of them.

No spoilers here but EndGame was a great conclusion to all the Avenger and MC character movies up to this point. surprisingly funny while not over the top to ruin what would be a horrific time after the "snap". The 3 hours wizzed by and I never felt like anything needed to hurry up to get through a scene.

DC needs to take notes from Marvel who have perfected this genre.
Just saw Green Book based on comments here. It did not disappoint. Check it out when you get a chance. Thanks GTAM.
They have had 10 years to take notes from Marvel and still haven't produced anything close. Meh maybe one day.

I think DC just needs to stop, let the heat from the MCU cool down and then take a fresh stab at it. They are just so dark and grim and have not found that balance Marvel has.
I think DC just needs to stop, let the heat from the MCU cool down and then take a fresh stab at it. They are just so dark and grim and have not found that balance Marvel has.
Agreed, they also could kick Zak Synder to the curb. He's done enough damage. I actually think we could use a break from Superhero movies as they have been so dominating the past few years, time for something other on the big screen.
Happytime Murders with Melissa Mccarthy.Holy crap!What a waste of time.Well,the 1/2 hr before the stop button got hit! Maybe if i were a pothead,or 50 years yourger.

Aquaman was fantastic.
What? Did we watch the same movie?? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

It was good, certainly better then most of the DC movies but I wouldn't call it fantastic. Moma is just Moma, just in a different movie. Plus there really wasn't anything memoriable about it, well if you count the floaty hair effects..
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