Recent movies you saw - recommend or no

NO! To any movie with Hugh Grant.

Isn't there one he dies in? That could be uplifting. Kinda like watching Frank Sinatra turn himself into a smoking hole in the ground in Cast a Giant Shadow.
NO! To any movie with Hugh Grant.

I feel that way about Brando and Nicholson for some eviseral reason.

I started the Alita manga, and the problems seem to be more in the movie's writing than the editing. Poor writing, but well executed.

Edit: If you're going to go see Alita, it's best to have read the first couple of chapters in the manga. The storyline is much better.
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NO! To any movie with Hugh Grant.

Not a Hugh Grant fan myself but he was great in Paddington 2. I am a fan of both of the recent movies. They are well done, fun for the whole family and just simple nice stories. Hugh Grant is the villain in Paddington 2 and does a terrific job.
Where is that coming from?? Someone sit you down to a rom comp? :D

Too much time in front of the toob with my recovering wife.She gets to choose what we watch.I can't leave her alone for very long.
Saw a great movie on Netflix last week, Cruise. The actual acting and story line were horrible but if you grew up in the 80s and 90s in the Toronto area like I did, it reminded me of my wasted youth. Some of you might remember the Finch and Weston races and cruising up and down Yonge St. If so might be worth a watch, just for the music and cars.
Saw a great movie on Netflix last week, Cruise. The actual acting and story line were horrible but if you grew up in the 80s and 90s in the Toronto area like I did, it reminded me of my wasted youth. Some of you might remember the Finch and Weston races and cruising up and down Yonge St. If so might be worth a watch, just for the music and cars.
So you just described my teenage years.
Why I loved driving up and down Yonge all night was because........nope. Still don't know.

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Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

If you're into futuristic cyber-punk themes then, HELL YES, I would recommend this film.
Went back and watched the original "Arcadia of my Youth" on Netflix. I watched the series it was based on as a kid in French, under the name "Albator", only really understanding half of it. I'd forgotten how good it was. The newer movie "Space Pirate Captain Harlock" is garbage by comparison.
Saw Bohemian Rhapsody on the plane last week....great movie. I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed it! Seen it on the plane each time and always passed...then was bored...will watch again.
Watched Aquaman over the weekend. Wasn't bad wasn't great. Entertaining. Moma is moma basically wearing a scaled suit.
D.C still has a way's to go though, to get to the same level as Marvel, but it's getting better.
Watched Aquaman over the weekend. Wasn't bad wasn't great. Entertaining. Moma is moma basically wearing a scaled suit.
D.C still has a way's to go though, to get to the same level as Marvel, but it's getting better.

I think the high praise given to Aquaman had my expectations to high for the movie. Really did not like it. Bad acting, not that interesting of a character or story in my opinion. DC has a LONG way to go before getting anywhere near the enjoyment I get from a Marvel movie and honestly not sure they can do it right now. The DC heroes are just not that interesting.
I think the high praise given to Aquaman had my expectations to high for the movie. Really did not like it. Bad acting, not that interesting of a character or story in my opinion. DC has a LONG way to go before getting anywhere near the enjoyment I get from a Marvel movie and honestly not sure they can do it right now. The DC heroes are just not that interesting.
Oh I agree. I could tell from the trailers the movie wasn't going to be that great. Also because of all the other D.C let downs.
The directing was very cartoonish, very zippy and flashy, with nothing to feel like it had any emotional or visual weight to it. Just jumping to scene to scene. Yeah the acting as very average. Plus the marketing of these movies has been kicking into overdrive blasting you with how great it is, even before it hits the movie theaters, and with fake reviews. All the initial reviews praising the movie is a 10 outta 10... umm this is no Godfather movie.

The D.C hero's may seem that way (I have always been a Marvel person) but I think they haven't found the right story tellers and directors. Christopher Nolan did really well with Batman Begins.
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