It's an easy profession to get into, but very few are successful at it. Even if you are able to sell a few listings, the income is very sporadic. As I mentioned, it takes a very specific personality to be a good sales person. Very few people have that sort of ability, which is probably for the better. Not to mention that anyone and everyone was getting their real estate license five years ago so the market was over saturated.
If sales is something that you are interested in, try car sales first before you commit to getting your real estate license. The Omvic license is $50 or $100 I think, and it's pretty easy to get a job as a new car salesman, even without experience. It will give you an idea of how good you are at the task and what it takes to be a good salesman.
In my search for a career change, I've realize if you search long and hard enough, there will be negativities about it.
Maybe I should take your advice, I don't mind working with cars. Its actually something I love anyway. The question is, would I enjoy pitching a sale to someone???