He says its nor his video but its a Blue R6 and his Youtube user name is "yamaha rsix"
He's gonna get busted or killed.
different helmet and jacket in both video, but the 407 video shows them going well over 200 with that plate "4345L"
is that plate correct? it should have more letters than a L.
maybe u need a new forum name first.this guy needs to do a video from markham rd to yorkdale in 5 mins. i'm constantly late for work and his video might help me.
It's funny how everyone outcasts this guy for riding like that, but I wonder how much of you don't lane split or pass on the shoulder or go faster then traffic. At least this guy has the balls to post a video of him doing it
Is OPP actually looking for him? How would one go about tipping them?
Is OPP actually looking for him? How would one go about tipping them?