Queen Elizabeth II :/

I liked Dougies media report , you can still go to work and pay your respects with a minute of silence. Kids can use the opportunity to learn a small amount about the monarchy in school and the connection to Canada, they don’t need another day to ride thier bicycles .

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Poor Charlie the British media is gonna start calling him C3 and with his short behavior they soon will be adding a PO to that....
You spelled billions wrong.

Using 2012 numbers (newer is very hard to find). 375,000 employees averaging $114,000 on the federal payroll. At 260 working days per year, that puts a day off at $164,000,000. That's not quite accurate as most have four plus weeks of vacation so another day is far more than 1/260 of their working time eliminated. Add in escalation of number of employees and comp over the last decade (probably shocking) and the knock on effect of overtime, people trying to get things done that are impossible with gov't not working etc and imo we are over 1B in economic impact for sockboy to virtue signal. Piece of crap.

Add in the communications network with the four maritime provinces being MIA and put that on the tab. We might as well call it paperwork supply chain issues so it can be blamed on Covid. B.C. was possibly on the fence.
From what I understand, all have been asked to fly commercially and take a bus as a group. Apparently Biden said 'sorry, cant'....lol. Wonder what JT will do.
If by commercial, you mean they are taking the government of Canada Polaris, you are correct. Flying out today. Need time to find the appropriate costumes for the funeral.

I so want to see him dressed up as a court jester. The more harlequin the better.
My money says, in keeping with his recent focus on indigenous peoples, he'll show up in this one:
View attachment 57531

Then again, he may surprise us all and show up as a pirate?
View attachment 57532
Do you think he is going to miss his chance to wear the fur hat?


Alternatively, I wouldn't be surprised if we had submitted a formal request to borrow some crown jewels and he shows up in a diamond tiara.
I'm so over the queen thing 🤪
....good thing it might just get Oz to flee the commonwealth nest.
Easier for them than Canada to do it.
I'm so over the queen thing 🤪
....good thing it might just get Oz to flee the commonwealth nest.
Easier for them than Canada to do it.

I feel if Charles abdicated the position to William, aussies would be more inclined to stick with the monarchy, as it stands right now, if a referendum is held in the next year or so, we may end up a republic, noone really likes Charles.
Gotta admire that she was a gearhead. Still driving herself around at 95. Virtually every pic of her and Phil driving he's in the passenger seat.

It's going to hasten the switch to a cashless society:
I just remembered that a high school friend a half century ago thought it was funny, calling the police to get her parade route through the city, saying he was looking for a good spot to pick her off. It wasn't funny when the cops showed up at his place. The time of ones life when your I.Q. equals your age.

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