Public Mobile, are these rates good?? (Telus owned)

Now that it is Telus owned, the service "should" become better. As for the price, it doesn't appear that there is a lot of competition on pricing. Maybe someone who is managing this forum could approach the cellular companies to try to get the members a group rate.
I pay $80 a month all in for unlimited everything from Telus. Never had a problem guess they appreciate the loyalty since we have been with them since the Clearnet days. Heck they even sent us movie passes today. Every company has it's negate reviews but I see the least from Telus.
Looking for a plan that hopefully is unlimited talk, text and 12 gb of shared data shared for 3 devices. I own all the phones so would like a monthly discount. What's the best price I can hope for with rogers/telus or their subsidiaries?
You also have to add on the $10/month SIM card rental fee... Plus you have to pay full price up front for your phone...
Well that it one of the dumbest things I've heard of when it comes to cell phones. I've never payed for a SIM on Telus except maybe my very first one like 15 years ago. Even the one I bought in Europe was 5 Euros and then included 5 Euros of credit on it so it was basically free.

as soon as you leave the transcanada there is no coverage with rogers.
Yep. My company switched a bunch of us to Rogers which would be fine if we weren't a national company and Rogers has no coverage over like 90% of the country. Best case it will roam on Bell (which costs something like $1.50/min) which I guess is fine since we don't pay it but in many areas they flat out won't work at all. Also, the guys on Rogers are having problems with their phones when the guys on Bell, with the same phone, don't have the problems. My personal Telus phone works everywhere, just like my Bell work phone. Heck, way up in NWT I still had signal on my plane and when the entire community's internet was down I could still stream away on my phone.

dual sim phones exist....
Do they make dual 3G phones now? I looked into it like 2 years ago and I wanted to have one SIM on Bell and the other on Telus but since the Bell/Telus network is 3G+ only, I could not find a phone that would do 3G on both SIMs. They were 3G on one and EDGE (2G) on the other, which would not work on Bell/Telus. I carry two phones right now but it would be easier to have one. Although sometimes having two is good because one can be dead and I've still got a backup.

If you need more than one phone but want one number set up a Fongo account, give people that number, and set it to forward to your other numbers. Not sure how that would work for texting, though.
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