Provincial politics

The Liberals had a book on Harper. Apparently he just couldn't help himself either. Those are just the few that made the online list. If gaffs and inexperience are your only reasons, then you shouldn't have voted for Harper in the first place. Now review his record in office and you'll realize that he doesn't belong, and is not a conservative.

It is unfortunate that the right is really the center. Nevertheless, there is may a book that can be written on the Libs so we're back to best of bad lot.

Justin is a turd, and if we give him the keys he'll likely do more damage than his father.

And again, you don't like the dippers, and clearly have a thing against Harper, so unless you decline your ballot, you're gonna give Justin a chance?
It is unfortunate that the right is really the center. Nevertheless, there is may a book that can be written on the Libs so we're back to best of bad lot.

Justin is a turd, and if we give him the keys he'll likely do more damage than his father.

And again, you don't like the dippers, and clearly have a thing against Harper, so unless you decline your ballot, you're gonna give Justin a chance?

As I already said, you can't formally decline your ballot at the Federal level. Also, as I already said, I might just run, myself, so that I have someone to vote for. That wasn't a joke, though my campaign most certainly would be. If I don't, then my current choice is Trudeau.

You have a choice between the guy who is currently running the country by lying to you and pissing on actual politically conservative ideals, or giving the guy who hasn't actually damaged our nation yet, but who you seem to have a personal dislike for, a chance to not do the sort of thing that the current guy is doing. Your choice is to vote for the guy who has actually hurt us, because you think that the other guy might? I find that unfathomable. Even laughable.

The 'thing' that I have against Harper is that he's a hypocrite, a liar, and has dangerous political ideas that the United States has already proved are unworkable but, based solely on disproved partisan beliefs, he thinks will somehow work for us. Contempt of Parliament. Statutory minimum sentences that, when previously enacted, had already resulted in things like multiples of 'time served' for pre-sentencing imprisonment. Carefully 'managing' his Cabinet, so that they don't actually tell anyone anything. Law changes that would see us start to follow the United States in the percentage of our population that is behind bars, when they are actually moving away from those laws because of the idiocy and costs involved.

It's time that people start to look at the cold facts behind their beliefs. I think most would be surprised at just how much of what they've taken to be fact, doesn't actually stand up to real scrutiny.
As I already said, you can't formally decline your ballot at the Federal level. Also, as I already said, I might just run, myself, so that I have someone to vote for. That wasn't a joke, though my campaign most certainly would be. If I don't, then my current choice is Trudeau.

You have a choice between the guy who is currently running the country by lying to you and pissing on actual politically conservative ideals, or giving the guy who hasn't actually damaged our nation yet, but who you seem to have a personal dislike for, a chance to not do the sort of thing that the current guy is doing. Your choice is to vote for the guy who has actually hurt us, because you think that the other guy might? I find that unfathomable. Even laughable.

The 'thing' that I have against Harper is that he's a hypocrite, a liar, and has dangerous political ideas that the United States has already proved are unworkable but, based solely on disproved partisan beliefs, he thinks will somehow work for us. Contempt of Parliament. Statutory minimum sentences that, when previously enacted, had already resulted in things like multiples of 'time served' for pre-sentencing imprisonment. Carefully 'managing' his Cabinet, so that they don't actually tell anyone anything. Law changes that would see us start to follow the United States in the percentage of our population that is behind bars, when they are actually moving away from those laws because of the idiocy and costs involved.

It's time that people start to look at the cold facts behind their beliefs. I think most would be surprised at just how much of what they've taken to be fact, doesn't actually stand up to real scrutiny.

+ 1
As I already said, you can't formally decline your ballot at the Federal level. Also, as I already said, I might just run, myself, so that I have someone to vote for. That wasn't a joke, though my campaign most certainly would be. If I don't, then my current choice is Trudeau.

You have a choice between the guy who is currently running the country by lying to you and pissing on actual politically conservative ideals, or giving the guy who hasn't actually damaged our nation yet, but who you seem to have a personal dislike for, a chance to not do the sort of thing that the current guy is doing. Your choice is to vote for the guy who has actually hurt us, because you think that the other guy might? I find that unfathomable. Even laughable.

The 'thing' that I have against Harper is that he's a hypocrite, a liar, and has dangerous political ideas that the United States has already proved are unworkable but, based solely on disproved partisan beliefs, he thinks will somehow work for us. Contempt of Parliament. Statutory minimum sentences that, when previously enacted, had already resulted in things like multiples of 'time served' for pre-sentencing imprisonment. Carefully 'managing' his Cabinet, so that they don't actually tell anyone anything. Law changes that would see us start to follow the United States in the percentage of our population that is behind bars, when they are actually moving away from those laws because of the idiocy and costs involved.

It's time that people start to look at the cold facts behind their beliefs. I think most would be surprised at just how much of what they've taken to be fact, doesn't actually stand up to real scrutiny.

I've been watching Justin closely for a while now. Even the Ceeb has taken potshots at him which is wild considering the den of thieves both the Libs and Ceeb are.

It's likely that Justin will be running a "hope and change" campaign which is right out of Obama's playbook. Why? Because Justin is using US Dems as part of his advisory group. He's already made a number of faux pax's based on the fact that US problems (currently) aren't the same as Canadian problems, and yet, Justin in his ignorance, just barrels on down the line. Just to reiterate, he is using a US Dem playbook from US advisors, to attempt to campaign on problems that don't exist here in Canada, and when it's pointed out to him, he just blindly moves on. Lying/misdirection/general slimeballness can occur through commission, but also through omission.

Using logic and intellect and the myriad of available information/facts/rhetoric that Justin has already provided, I don't have to "give him a chance" to know where we'll end up.

I'll be watching closely to see if you run, because clearly if you don't, you'll either not vote, or you'll clearly need to vote for Justin's "hope and change" for Canada. Might I ask that you put on record which you'll choose?

Oops. I missed your clear statement that you are in fact voting for Obama.. I mean Justin. My apologies.

As I said, if I don't ultimately end up voting for someone as clearly untrustworthy as myself. I was serious about that and have been slowly trying to work out what is actually involved in running. My registered membership in a political party has already been accomplished.
As I said, if I don't ultimately end up voting for someone as clearly untrustworthy as myself. I was serious about that and have been slowly trying to work out what is actually involved in running. My registered membership in a political party has already been accomplished.

Rob, I truly wish you all the best. As usual, I appreciate your comments and our conversation/banter.

Provincial campaigning has effectively just started, and I'm already sick of hearing Hudak say "laser focus". (It must be the new "gravy train".)

I don't like any of the party leaders. I'll need to listen to the local candidates. But I think I'll be declining my ballot.
That is one nasty looking tranny.

Liberals go in power, people hatin.
Conservatives go in power, people hatin.
Moderates go in power, people hatin.

It's time for some anarchy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liberals go in power, people hatin.
Conservatives go in power, people hatin.
Moderates go in power, people hatin.

It's time for some anarchy!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate anarchy.

That is one nasty looking tranny.


The GF informed me that Wynne is a dyke... And I wasn't surprised lol. She just totally seems like this self righteous, feminist snob that you couldn't even beat common sense in to. The type of person that no matter what logical, well formed and proven piece of information you gave her she would deny it if she didn't think it was right.
I'm not sure who I hate to see on TV more, her or Trudeau...
Seriously, what is needed is someone who busted *** coming from a working class, blue collar family that doesn't give a damn about how much money they make and just wants to get things done.
My first move, if I was a politician, is to have salaries capped to the median income of their riding. Take the $ incentive out of being in politics and the people that will do the job are there because they actually give a damn.
I am an adult, and don't need to be bubble wrapped. If I don't save for my retirement then that is my issue no?
And I don't give a damn about a single mom in the GTA with 5 kids that needs more transit paid for with a higher increase in tax on my fuel costs... I already have to drive 2 hours to get to the nearest actual city, activities I like to do I do less of because of fuel costs, how does this help me out? I avoid the GTA as much as possible, let them earn their own $ for local transit.

*I work with a lot of gay females, some are fairly butch, and a few of them I would consider friends, so before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, I just want it out there that I don't care what someone's sexual orientation is, but this lady just falls right in to a perfect stereotype of the kind of person I just have the urge to punch in the face.
I work with a lot of gay females, some are fairly butch, and a few of them I would consider friends, so before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, I just want it out there that I don't care what someone's sexual orientation is, but this lady just falls right in to a perfect stereotype of the kind of person I just have the urge to punch in the face.

Sorry dude, for a long time now that's a pretty weak argument saying that you have lots of denigrated group friends as a justification for speech against them.

You just hate her because she's a woman, gay and not a centrefold. Those are not logical reasons for hating someone.

Focus on the issues involved not the individual.
Sorry dude, for a long time now that's a pretty weak argument saying that you have lots of denigrated group friends as a justification for speech against them.

You just hate her because she's a woman, gay and not a centrefold. Those are not logical reasons for hating someone.

Focus on the issues involved not the individual.

Nope, I said that because I truly do not care what someone's sexual orientation is. If they can do their job and are a decent human being that is all I really care about. I couldn't possibly in my job work in close quarters with them (seriously, there are times we have to do nearly everything together) and not respect them. Like I said, I do not care where you like to stick what or who you want to stick it to.
I don't give a damn what a politician looks like, I don't care who they are attracted to or what they do in their off time. If they can do what they are hired to do then who am I to judge?

Her ideas are horrible... The NDP who have supported them backed right off with the proposed budget. Hm...
Her plan that it's a great idea to have the rest of Ontario cover for the GTA's traffic issues is another issue with me... I have NOTHING to do with the GTA, and nobody other than those in the GTA would see any form of benefit... Not that we see much benefit from the taxes in our fuel prices anyways. If you would see what hwy 17 up here is like, you would see there is no maintenance done... For such a busy hwy (it is the trans Canada after all), the conditions of it are horrible, actually the cause of deaths.
The gas plant scandal... Billions and they actively tried to cover it up.
Remember bill C-68? All the blue collars were up in arms about it, and they were totally right about it, and it cost us so much more than it was supposed to in the first place, and then it was scrapped all together. I know that was before she was in charge, but it's still part of the Liberal agenda to take guns and other freedoms away from people just like me.
Yes, I can read people, it's a little skill I've picked up on in a job where I have to pay close attention to people, and she 100% speaks "stuck up, self righteous snob". I get it that people that pursue politics as a career are a little high on themselves, that's why they think they can be leaders... But she sure isn't the type of person I would ever stand behind.
I'll respond tomorrow but I'll tell you right now I can't ever support neo-conservative ideology. A lot of it is based on failed and discredited arguments. Hudak is the neo-con champion in this round so he is disqualified for me.

That leaves me with red, orange and green to choose from.

Historically I'm orange, probably will have to be again.

I also think Bob Rae was a good guy with his Rae days trying to help working folks keep their jobs by working a few days for free during a big recession.

Then neo-con Mike Harris came along and fired them all. Now the economy contracted as all these people were now jobless and not putting money into the economy. And Rae is the villain of this story? I don't think so.

This time around Wynne might very well have to be the devil we know. It was thus for Quebec very recently. (The student protests and Charbonneau corruption inquiry are because of Lib policies in Quebec.)
Kinda like trudeau.

Reality is we're ****ed regardless of who gets in, because these people aren't interested in helping anyone else but themselves. They will do and say anything to get elected and then re-elected while not giving a **** what the cost to the public is. Just look at the gas plant scandal, ornge, ehealth...etc

Exactly! Its a legal scam
Politician salaries are no big deal. What they go for are the perks that are perpetuated AFTER they retire with a nice pension plan. Has anyone noticed how many upper level retired politicians sit on boards of companies they once "Helped".

Re Their pensions. They shouldn't get one. If they aren't competent enough to plan for retirement on their own salaries they aren't competent enough to run the province or country.
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