This thread is a ...
The way is see it an obvious trolling thread has done its job.
This thread is a ...
It doesn't matter what happened before the videos. The police aren't the ones to dish out punishment. It's their job to arrest with reasonable force. Reasonable means the least amount of force necessary. Sometimes that means tazing someone, sometimes that means lighting them the **** up. It never means beating the **** out of an individual after they are cuffed or because they are yelling. I don't go on like some people who cry to the internet because a cop didn't suck their dick while handing them a speeding ticket. It's law enforcement, not law blowing daisies up your *** but some of that was brutal. even for a sensationalist video. If your emotions take over and you can't control yourself doing your job then it's time to do something else. And no, I couldn't do a cops job when it came to rapists, pedos etc. That's why I don't. I'm much happier killing people on equal terms.
No. Cop's don't decide who is guilty of what crime, they do not issue a sentence and they do not administer the penalty. In any case, the penalty would not be to be beaten into a bloody pulp. You sir are either shamelessly trolling or dangerously deluded.
Sent from my computer using common sense, basic human decency and a keyboard.
^ You would like the cops to be the judge, the jury and the on-the-spot executioner and you think I'm the one who should have his head examined?
This thread was going up the **it creek from the start (pun intended). I should have recognized the trolling, my bad. You can keep telling yourself you are right, I am unsubscribing.
How is it trolling, because unlike you bleeding hearts, I have no problem with scum being treated like scum, or because unlike most of you , I don't bash cops? Funny when someone has a different opinion they are trolling.
How is it trolling, because unlike you bleeding hearts, I have no problem with scum being treated like scum, or because unlike most of you , I don't bash cops? Funny when someone has a different opinion they are trolling.
lol, your posts are hilarious.
so in one breath you cut down the video saying that no one knows with certainty what happened before the cameras rolled, thus justifying the brutality of the leos. . .
then in the next breath you claim with complete certainty that the people getting brutalized in that same video are "scum". . .
hypocritical and yes, trolling
. . .no need to wonder what your un-reasoned bias is.
trollin trollin trollin down the river
I'm not sure why it has to be an "either-or" perspective. Is asking that the police remain professional and objective in their duties make one a "bleeding heart"? I don't think so.
Cops are only human and I can see where there are situations when their adrenalin is flowing and rational thought flies out the window. Although I understand why it happens, I don't think anyone should condone it.
Are you really that stupid, really? I have not called anyone in the video scum, I referred to murders, rapist and pedophiles as scum, which they are, I did however state we do not know if any of those people in the video are in those categories, so calling me a hypocrite is baseless.
Again I have to ask, are you really that stupid, really?, REALLY?Read my post about the video, I mention murders,rapist, and pedophiles, so no I wasn't clarifying anything. The only troll here must be you, but I am not surprised at your inability to comprehend anything, you have shown on many occasions, your lack of comprehension, and this thread is about protestors, not that are responding to a post about the video, you troll. then you fail to clarify that statement until called on it.
and nothing you wrote changes the fact that until the justice system decides they are indeed 'scum' as you put it, they are only accused 'scum'. . .
the police are not the ones to pass judgement on anyone, irrespective of their 'scum' status.
if you can't see that gang-beating an unconscious man is over the line, then who is the stupid one?
Again I have to ask, are you really that stupid, really, really? Read my post about the video, I mention murders,rapist, and pedophiles, so no I wasn't clarifying anything. The only troll here must be you, but I am not surprised at your inability to comprehend anything, you have shown on many occasions, your lack of comprehension.
this works if i ignore the context of the post that you were responding to.
so i ask again, is gang-beating an unconscious man over the line or not?
All depends on what he did. If he fits in to one of those categories, then no it's not. Now answer my question that I had to ask twice in the previous 2 posts with you, and no it wasn't a rhetorical question.
Ok, I understand where Oily's coming from (to a degree, the letting cops shoot people...meh notsomuch)Seriously, its a cops job to uphold the law, not distribute justice. Cops get a bad rap for stuff, theyre humans like the rest of us, but we hold them to a higher level of accountability, and some of them are not deserving of such recognition. I agree that some people who get booked by the cops maybe deserving of a "tune up", but thats not for the cops to dish out. When cops arrive on scene, there should be a feeling of relief because theyve arrived to take care of and end a situation, not "Oh **** its the cops, I wonder whos catching a beatdown today, i hope my camera has a charge" But I guess it has alot to do with perspective, too. I mean if I was one of those small-business owners watching stores getting their windows smashed, I would probably say the cops did a great job as well, but quite honestly Im still up in the air with regards to how our G20 fiasco was handled, on both sides. The government, for not realizing that they couldve had the same stupid *** meeting using skype and saving us tax money, and us, for playing straight into the governments hand, so that they could collect five minutes of video of some DB on top of a cop car and say "See, this is why we need all the cops and security fencing, these T.O. people are animals!" Oh well, I hope we put up a much bigger fight the next time they want to bring one of these stupid government circle-jerk meetings to our city and maybe they wont the next time.
I like how the troll changed his focus to 'murderers and rapists'... did he realize how retarded his first post was?