It doesn't matter what happened before the videos. The police aren't the ones to dish out punishment. It's their job to arrest with reasonable force. Reasonable means the least amount of force necessary. Sometimes that means tazing someone, sometimes that means lighting them the **** up. It never means beating the **** out of an individual after they are cuffed or because they are yelling. I don't go on like some people who cry to the internet because a cop didn't suck their dick while handing them a speeding ticket. It's law enforcement, not law blowing daisies up your *** but some of that was brutal. even for a sensationalist video. If your emotions take over and you can't control yourself doing your job then it's time to do something else. And no, I couldn't do a cops job when it came to rapists, pedos etc. That's why I don't. I'm much happier killing people on equal terms.