Protect Our Children PLEASE Read

I'll work on a sound bite. Thanks for the tip.

I think this has got to be the shortest post of yours on gtam

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awyala... This is how some see "Protecting Our Children"...

More discussion on above link...

Not sure of my take on this... on one hand I see the "parents rights" argument, but on the other I can see the folks pushing for this as likely being a positive "support group" that have experienced the BS and trauma involved with such parental activities....

Don't pop your top.
Were any of those males gay? If no one tries to innitiate no one is going to do anything. But you'd be surprised how easy it is to convince a drunk person of something.

this man knows^

yes. BUT I WAS DRUNK ALSO so yeah. I didnt take advantage drunk men; we both drunkenly decided to do somethings.

Alright. Not all, but a lot will!
I think there may be a possibility that you are gay (not that there is nothing wrong with that) but I will leave that between you and your psychologist
I think there may be a possibility that you are gay (not that there is nothing wrong with that) but I will leave that between you and your psychologist

Yes I am homosexual. 100%.

The mentioning of me being drunk also was just to say I don't hit on every guy I see while sober.
I'd have to be close to blackout drunk to start doing that.
Conflicted much?

I'm pretty sure the usual non-homophobic response wold be a "I'm flattered, but no thanks, guy.", not to pound on him.

I have been approached once in a bar. I figured it out pretty quickly why some feminine dude was talking to me and I told him it wasn't my thing. I was polite about it as I'm sure it's not easy as a gay guy to approach guys they see... I can hardly approach women.
However, had it been some drunk idiot that came up and tried anything, then it would be a different story.

I work with a couple gay guys. I have no issue living in close quarters with them (I mean sleeping in a tent right beside them) or showering next to them at the gym. I'm not homophobic, I just have personal space issues. I don't even let most female friends hug me, it's just the way I am.
Therapy time, GROUP HUG :3some:
Biggest flaw in your argument is that the whole thing hinges on rape as an instinct. You're drawing an analogy to 2 things that aren't comparable.

WTF does homosexuality's moral harm to society have anything to do with it being genetic or trained?

But I think my biggest WTF is:
The argument that homosexuality is not a choice is moot if it were determined that homosexuality were destructive to society in the long term. Well not entirely moot, but it wouldn't be the smoking gun to grant its widespread mainstream acceptance.
I'm so motha****ing lost right now. I think I'm just gonna tap out lol
My point is that sexual preference is a choice or habit and can be changed, either by choice or through persuasion or other means. How is that dogma? My point is that the "God is love" or "God made a mistake" argument is a ploy, and superficial, as is the "born this way" argument is. Once again, you may need to review what exactly dogma means. The thesaurus is not your best starting point for that.

You do realize that there have been studies (talking MRI imaging and the like) on the brains of straight and gay people and there are actual differences right? I would say this makes people born that way.
Not every gay person has this change, and sometimes their sexual orientation develops from things in very early childhood.

I hate to use a negative example, but you can look at serial killers. Some do suffer from changes in the brain that make them capable of doing what they do, while some are physically "normal" but certain things in their developing years directed them to be that way. It's not just a choice, it's not something that can be turned on and off. It just plain and simple is the way things are.
It is just that simple. We can't go back to electric shock therapy to get them back to "normal" it's been attempted with no results. No amount of preaching in whatever religion will "save" them. Just let them be who they are. I guess you don't understand how to really accept people... Surprising with how you assimilate yourself with such a "peaceful" religion.

I like the batman/god analogy btw. But I feel more likely I'll see a bat sign in the sky than some bearded guy.
Im also still waiting for an Entry in DSM IV indicating that homosexuality is a mental disorder as all known disorders are pretty much all listed there...
1. I am open and honest in preparing them for the real world.

2. Anyone who believes in a imaginary beings based on a book is a quack.

3. Yes. When there is no factual basis for your belief then you are a quack.

4. I haven't bought into anything. I have tolerance for others that think different or act different than me.

5. I have lots of morals and believe in tolerance for others who cause no harm to others.

6. Who's god? Your made up one, or the other guys. The judeo christian god, or maybe the norse gods, perhaps it's the aztecs. Again, who's fairy tales have I drifted from?

7. I am a very good person. Every "great" culture in history has gone down because of religion. It's hate that is propagated by religion that will bring down people down. Someone doing something that DOES NOT HARM OTHERS is of no concern to others.

Dude I'm behind you 100%.
I was raised on being told how things are. And I plan on bringing my kids up the same way.
Its apparent now that those adults from my generation have no damn clue what the world is like outside of their bubble.
How dare you tell your kids the truth!
Conversation is far more fluid. Would have been an hour chat in person. Some things are worth the effort no?

After I realized you had nothing of value to add to the conversation I would politely taken my leave.

So likely much less than an hour.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2
awyala... This is how some see "Protecting Our Children"...

More discussion on above link...

Not sure of my take on this... on one hand I see the "parents rights" argument, but on the other I can see the folks pushing for this as likely being a positive "support group" that have experienced the BS and trauma involved with such parental activities....

Don't pop your top.

I'll keep it short. I wouldn't support a male teenage child of mine to go running around bangin *******. I as a parent would modify his behaviour. Though the consequences of promiscuity can be mitigated with technology these days (abortion, latex condoms, medical contraceptives, HIV cocktail medicines, and so on), the general principle I adhere to. There is far more social long term damage associated with high promiscuity rates that require preemptive measures. Parents are 100% in charge of modifying behaviour of their children, as long as abuse is not being carried out.

I can't speak to the stats of homosexual based suicide vs normal teenage clique related / clinical mental depression suicide but I personally don't see sexuality as a life or death issue for me either. I wouldn't end my life if my option of where to put my thingy was restricted. I am much more than the orientation of my sexual preferences, and there is much more to the situation involved with suicides than what it has been simplified to in the first article. I have personally dealt with more suicides than most and I have found them resulting from an overwhelming feeling of helplessness. Not being able to have sex with a preferred partner doesn't leave me feeling helpless. There are many more avenues of expression. I would argue that there are more suicides in the American armed forces than combat deaths in some months, yet we are not banning the forced indoctrination and suppression of human choice in the chain of command! We see it as a necessary act of mental and psychological conditioning to break a recruits decision making process and force conformity to carry out crimes, murder and so forth. It is rather convenient which agendas we table and enact into law.

That being said, I don't agree with stifling members of society into an uptopian choice-free way of life either. Part of this life, even from a Judeo-Christian perspective is to deal with temptation, which may mean, partaking in it and growing from it to reach an ultimate state of being. Removing choice from people's lives is contrary to the whole concept of Satan. After all, God allowed him a term of respite to affect humanity. For the atheists in the crowd I am speaking about the concept of Satan rather than the literal Satan which I'm sure you would all dismiss as a spook. However the concept in the allegory of Satan is very much a sociological "fact on the ground".

Sorry, I tried to keep it short.
Maybe we should just do like the greeks and have a homo-pedo-erotic rite of passage to see if the kid likes it and be done with it.

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