So much sturm und drang over a page on the TDSB website that didn't have a link to active available content, and that teachers weren't informed existed.
I'll work on a sound bite. Thanks for the tip.
I think there may be a possibility that you are gay (not that there is nothing wrong with that) but I will leave that between you and your psychologistWere any of those males gay? If no one tries to innitiate no one is going to do anything. But you'd be surprised how easy it is to convince a drunk person of something.
this man knows^
yes. BUT I WAS DRUNK ALSO so yeah. I didnt take advantage drunk men; we both drunkenly decided to do somethings.
Alright. Not all, but a lot will!
I think there may be a possibility that you are gay (not that there is nothing wrong with that) but I will leave that between you and your psychologist
Conflicted much?
I'm pretty sure the usual non-homophobic response wold be a "I'm flattered, but no thanks, guy.", not to pound on him.
I'm so motha****ing lost right now. I think I'm just gonna tap out lolThe argument that homosexuality is not a choice is moot if it were determined that homosexuality were destructive to society in the long term. Well not entirely moot, but it wouldn't be the smoking gun to grant its widespread mainstream acceptance.
My point is that sexual preference is a choice or habit and can be changed, either by choice or through persuasion or other means. How is that dogma? My point is that the "God is love" or "God made a mistake" argument is a ploy, and superficial, as is the "born this way" argument is. Once again, you may need to review what exactly dogma means. The thesaurus is not your best starting point for that.
1. I am open and honest in preparing them for the real world.
2. Anyone who believes in a imaginary beings based on a book is a quack.
3. Yes. When there is no factual basis for your belief then you are a quack.
4. I haven't bought into anything. I have tolerance for others that think different or act different than me.
5. I have lots of morals and believe in tolerance for others who cause no harm to others.
6. Who's god? Your made up one, or the other guys. The judeo christian god, or maybe the norse gods, perhaps it's the aztecs. Again, who's fairy tales have I drifted from?
7. I am a very good person. Every "great" culture in history has gone down because of religion. It's hate that is propagated by religion that will bring down people down. Someone doing something that DOES NOT HARM OTHERS is of no concern to others.
I think this has got to be the shortest post of yours on gtam
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So we're done here?
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Conversation is far more fluid. Would have been an hour chat in person. Some things are worth the effort no?
awyala... This is how some see "Protecting Our Children"...
More discussion on above link...
Not sure of my take on this... on one hand I see the "parents rights" argument, but on the other I can see the folks pushing for this as likely being a positive "support group" that have experienced the BS and trauma involved with such parental activities....
Don't pop your top.
Therapy time, GROUP HUG :3some:
Thats so gay.
After I realized you had nothing of value to add to the conversation I would politely taken my leave.
So likely much less than an hour.
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