Post A Picture Of Your Latest Purchase

my 2011 R6 was delivered yesterday :)


:D March is a-comin!
post pics in a bunch of hours.
Im leaving in 4.5h to Terra haut indiana to pick up an engine for my 91 gsxr 750.
10h each way.
Stubby bought me a lid for trials competition today.Comfy HJC CS-5n for $60 from Zdeno's.
Looks sick man...

Thanks I did more research and found out the BMW S1000RR slipon uses the same 60mm inlet can as the full system, so I took a chance and ordered it. Modified the carbon cover to fit, and will be modifying the mount to line up with my bracket. I got the small conical can look I wanted! Should have some good stuff to add here soon, just dropped $3000 at BSR on Brembo and some other stuff...
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