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I got a bunch of stuff for my new-to-me R6. Once everything arrives I will be bringing the bike in the living room so I can do all the work at once.
I live in a really old house and the garage has no heat and very poor lighting.

The goodies I am waiting for are all in this album: (just trying to save gtam some bandwidth)

1. Front bearings - Pretty sure previous owner liked to do wheelies, not an expensive task to just replace them.
2. Complete bolt kit - Some parts of my fairings are held by zip ties and random bolts/screws.
3. Galfer front SS brake lines
4. Symtec grip warmers - For those cool nights.
5. Gel grips - For those long rides. Bike currently has dirtbike grips right now and no bar ends...
6. Key chain - Just because it was 2$.
7. Shorty levers - Red lever with black adjuster, should look good on my black bike. Hate the long stock levers.
8. Mirrors with LED signals integrated - Current mirrors fold in at high speed and I also have a broken front signal. Current signals are garbage anyways.
9. Pair of Pilot Road 2's - For the extended mileage I will be doing this summer. Had these on my SV and loved them.
10. Pair of rotors, used - Current ones are a bit warped, pretty scary shake when braking from high speed.
11. Speed Bleeders - Makes one-manned bleeding super easy. I didn't need these, I just wanted them. (description on website)
12. Smoked tail lights with integrated signals - Again, current aftermarket signals are ugly as hell. (video in link)
13. TCX X-Cube boots - Good balance between protection and "every day comfort". Should be better than just plain running shoes.

Still needed/wanted:

Bar ends.
Stomp grips.
...and maybe an Ohlins steering damper. (have to wait for a decent deal on a new or used one, don't really make a difference to me).

Where did you get the bolt kit from?? I seem to be missing a few fairing bolts :(
The one that was for sale on here?

Yep, 20k kms on it. Needed a battery, clip on, rearset. Had spares of all of that. One fork seal is leaking. Has some ****** up wiring for the lights though, someone ghetto rigged what think is a strobe kit in. Rip that out, throw a round headlight on and ride
Yep, 20k kms on it. Needed a battery, clip on, rearset. Had spares of all of that. One fork seal is leaking. Has some ****** up wiring for the lights though, someone ghetto rigged what think is a strobe kit in. Rip that out, throw a round headlight on and ride
Where did you get the bolt kit from?? I seem to be missing a few fairing bolts :(

Heya, Xury's right. I got mine from eBay and it's a nice kit. All properly packaged, sorted and labeled. They even include a fiche to show you which bolt goes where just in case you aren't sure.

This is the one I bought. I think it was 15% off when I bought it though. He sells kits for most bikes.
Bolt kit.

Repacking material for my Yoshimura cans. I was just testing how tight the packing would have to be taped onto the baffle when I started screwing the baffle with packing into the can... it went quite well!

Now I just have to get some rivets and I'll have them back together.


Pro-bolt sells fairing kits for roughly the same price.
I bought a set for my GSX-R and they really finish the bike off nicely.
I also got the engine casing bolts, but those will go on in the spring...
^^^^^ That's the best colour selection. Nice bike.
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