Port Dover Friday the 13th 9:30 Ride July 2012

Thanks for setting up this ride to Port Dover today! The route along the river and lake was very scenic and had plenty of entertaining roads with a lot of curves and we were able to get to Dover without having to wait in traffic. Great that you were have been able to quickly find parking in Dover for over a dozen bikes that showed up.
Epic ride to Dover!
Great ride to town along the lake! Thanks TorontoBusa for organizing this, and everyone for a great ride and fun times! Few of us rode down for a swim in Turkey Point - a nice beach and a perfect way to cool off after the event, highly recommended.
Thanks for setting up this ride to Port Dover today! The route along the river and lake was very scenic and had plenty of entertaining roads with a lot of curves and we were able to get to Dover without having to wait in traffic. Great that you were have been able to quickly find parking in Dover for over a dozen bikes that showed up.
Epic ride to Dover!

Thanks very much!

Had a great time!
That was a fun day for me, and sounds like everyone had a good time.

So book off September 2013 and lets do it again!

And if you have any pics, please post them to this thread.

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