I just spit my coffee when I saw this.
I really don't want to wade into this debate too far. It's all really ****ed up, and I am by no means in the know when it comes to international affairs, military conflict, or middle-east politics. Other than being born of a Jewish father, and having to live with whatever the fallout of this mess will be, I have no stake in this.
I would, however, like to recommend a documentary called State 194 that I just saw at TIFF. It follows Prime Minister Fayyad of the Palestinian territories as he attempts to build the foundations for a Palestinian state. The film is a look at Palestine's mission to become the 194th state in the UN. It's fascinating, and PM Fayyad is an incredible man doing incredible things for his people. He's what all politicians should be, IMO.
While the film has yet to find a distributor, keep the title in mind and watch for it. Well worth the 90mins. While it's very one-sided (two-state solution, 1967 borders, largely anti-Bibi), it sure as **** opened my eyes and showed that there are a ton of people, particularly young people, both Israelis and Palestinians wanting peace and civility in the region. Thankfully, I got a chance to meet with the director (Dan Setton), an Israeli, as well as a few prominent moderates from the region (both sides) and discuss some of the arguments posed by the Israeli gov't and radicals on both sides of the fence (wall?).
More info here: http://www.takepart.com/state194
Yeah, but it's IsraelThey suffered the Holocaust
They can do no wrong
Thanks, will look for that.
But yeah, there are a thousand times more moderates than extremists, but whenever some nutcases on one side go and make a movie insulting the other side, then the nutcases on the other side go and kill their foreign diplomat, the rest of us are all left to pick up the pieces. If it weren't for the bunch of Israeli 'settlers' one the one side, and the bunch of jihadists on the other side, there would be no Middle East conflict.
Thanks, will look for that.
But yeah, there are a thousand times more moderates than extremists, but whenever some nutcases on one side go and make a movie insulting the other side, then the nutcases on the other side go and kill their foreign diplomat, the rest of us are all left to pick up the pieces. If it weren't for the bunch of Israeli 'settlers' one the one side, and the bunch of jihadists on the other side, there would be no Middle East conflict.
Yeah, but it's IsraelThey suffered the Holocaust
They can do no wrong
The stage is being set...
Watch from 9:45 http://www.cbc.ca/player/Shows/ID/2304703186/
Sorry for the lack of Elmo content.