POLL: Cold weather riding...

At what temperature do you park the bike for the season?

  • 10ºC

  • 0ºC

  • -10ºC

  • It's never too cold to ride!

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I don't see an issue. Your answer would be 0°C.
That's true about the rain. I think I would take -15°C over pouring rain, but light rain doesn't bother me.
Visibility is my issue with heavy rain.
Probably my worst was from Vicksburg Mississippi to Eureka Springs Arkansas, eight plus hours going up through Louisiana. It started as drizzle and soon became torrential rain with garbage cans flying. Next to no shelter and when I was getting close to a town with a motel the rain would stop so I'd carry on and sure enough when I was ten miles north of the town the rain would start again. I was running Michelin Pilots and never felt the bike unstable.

Next time I go swimming I'm going to leave the bike at home.
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