POLL: Cold weather riding...

At what temperature do you park the bike for the season?

  • 10ºC

  • 0ºC

  • -10ºC

  • It's never too cold to ride!

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They're not the only ones.

I have Mitas (Trelleborg) Winter Friction tires on my dual sport, they're rated 3PMSF:

Not a practical tire for the GTA for a variety of reasons.

1) They are off-road tires for loose terrain, pavement or bare ice would destroy them in no time.
2) No studs allowed in S. Ontario.
3) Top speed for pressed and glued studs is 65kmh -- might be OK on logging roads and trails.

For the price and limitations, I'd just buy a little 125 and stud up some $60 knobbies the old fashioned way. I rode on Simcoe like that for years!
I rode from Kingston to Toronto yesterday on @mistersouthpaw 's old Shadow 1100. I wore a heated vest and Dickies insulated steel-toed boots which worked well. My winter gloves did not fare so well - I ended up wrapping my fleece-lined helmet bag around my throttle hand which meant I couldn't really operate the front brake. Rear brake only and mostly one-handed (clutch hand resting on the tank) for most of the 300km ride. Fun!

With heated grips (and better overall preparation 😆) I reckon I could tolerate down to 0c.

For quick jaunts around town temperature doesn't matter, every red light is a reprieve from the cold windblast. I've ridden in -10c. As long as the roads are clear, it's fine.
Cold weather riding comfort is all about gear. I use the same approach to element protection as I do when I dress to ride my sled -- thin balaclava, windproof dickie (neck gaiter), windproof jacket, and pants, thermal leather gloves and boots.

I have handguards and windshields on the bikes I ride in the cold. They really reduce windchill to your core and hands. If it's a long ride, I'll toss a heat sole in my boots.
Good to see I am in the majority (so far) - on sunny day 2-5C in the morning will get me out. On cloudy day 10C is threshold. I am too skinny to tolerate cold well, and I don't like to play dress-up/layer-up games :)
I trick I've been told, which doesn't help me on a Katana, is to place your hand on the motor at each stop to warm it up. For me, I could only fit a couple fingers inside the fairing, lol.
Something I miss about the ZX-11 is that it exhausted heat nearly perfectly onto your legs. Great for cold weather!
In fact, according to a Quebec, Canada highway safety code regulation that went into effect on December 15, 2014, only tires that meet the 3PMSF standard are considered to be acceptable snow tires for use in Quebec. The law specifies the winter months there as ranging between December 15 and March 15 each year. Winter vehicle requirements may differ by region, so it’s worth familiarizing yourself with what’s legal in your area before you go tire shopping.

While you’ll find many motorcycle tires that bear M+S designation, the Anlas Winter Grip Plus is one of the only (if not the only) motorcycle tires with a 3PMSF rating as of January 2022. "

Ask RideApart: Are There Motorcycle Snow Tires?

Edit: I'd have to go off size for the front tyre.
Yeah but... they actually have real winters there. The snowbanks are taller than an adult man most of the winter usually. And it doesn't melt after 2 weeks, it stays there. And often on sideroads (secondary and tertiary residential roads) you won't see the asphalt for weeks. Hence their recommendation:

It's not the same climate as southern ontario that gets a dusting here and there. Especially when looking at this year!

Usually i'll ride if there's no ice/snow on the roads. So if it didn't dip to like 1-2C overnight with wet roads ill go ride. My problem is my commute starts super early and usually black ice will be even less visible and more likely as the sun won't have had time to melt it.

I pay to freeze my *** outside (skiing) so why not ride the motorcycle in a cool breeze? I'll be complaining soon enough about the heat and how i can't cool off fast enough on 35C + days lol
Good to see I am in the majority (so far) - on sunny day 2-5C in the morning will get me out. On cloudy day 10C is threshold. I am too skinny to tolerate cold well, and I don't like to play dress-up/layer-up games :)
Yeah, the dress-up has been getting to me. It seems to take 10-20 minutes just to prep, so it's been tempting some days to say 'screw it' and take the car, even though I prefer to ride.
Cold weather riding comfort is all about gear. I use the same approach to element protection as I do when I dress to ride my sled -- thin balaclava, windproof dickie (neck gaiter), windproof jacket, and pants, thermal leather gloves and boots.

I have handguards and windshields on the bikes I ride in the cold. They really reduce windchill to your core and hands. If it's a long ride, I'll toss a heat sole in my boots.
Funny thing, my feet have never felt even the slightest bit cold. Maybe I lucked out with a great pair of boots?
The issues I've had, which aren't that bad, is a draft up my jacket if I forget my belt (bought a buckled strap at Princess Auto that works great), and my neck when it's -5ºC or lower. I'll usually double up on the balaclava on those days, but the helmet gets tight and uncomfortable. I need a better solution for the neck. Doesn't help that the Katana has such a small windscreen. I'm searching for an affordable extended screen, but at this point I can wait till fall.
Yeah but... they actually have real winters there. The snowbanks are taller than an adult man most of the winter usually. And it doesn't melt after 2 weeks, it stays there. And often on sideroads (secondary and tertiary residential roads) you won't see the asphalt for weeks. Hence their recommendation:
View attachment 59588

It's not the same climate as southern ontario that gets a dusting here and there. Especially when looking at this year!

Usually i'll ride if there's no ice/snow on the roads. So if it didn't dip to like 1-2C overnight with wet roads ill go ride. My problem is my commute starts super early and usually black ice will be even less visible and more likely as the sun won't have had time to melt it.

I pay to freeze my *** outside (skiing) so why not ride the motorcycle in a cool breeze? I'll be complaining soon enough about the heat and how i can't cool off fast enough on 35C + days lol
Like this?

banana for scale

Edit: Get a neck warmer (tube) to go over or wear instead of the balaclava.
Had to move my Spyder 28 Dec 2017 from one storage location to another... about 1Km.
Regardless of dress it was freakin cold!!

I've had 1 of these for 40+ yrs. Works perfect.
Leathers in Hamilton sells them.
I have some wool ones the Squeeze knit me. They are great.
Good to see I am in the majority (so far) - on sunny day 2-5C in the morning will get me out. On cloudy day 10C is threshold. I am too skinny to tolerate cold well, and I don't like to play dress-up/layer-up games :)

That’s my default too. 5C-10C with some Sun on my back, 10C+ if it’s overcast.
Funny thing, my feet have never felt even the slightest bit cold. Maybe I lucked out with a great pair of boots?
The issues I've had, which aren't that bad, is a draft up my jacket if I forget my belt (bought a buckled strap at Princess Auto that works great), and my neck when it's -5ºC or lower. I'll usually double up on the balaclava on those days, but the helmet gets tight and uncomfortable. I need a better solution for the neck. Doesn't help that the Katana has such a small windscreen. I'm searching for an affordable extended screen, but at this point I can wait till fall.
You want a 'neck gaiter' designed for snowmobiling. There are lots of varieties available, but given the sustained high speed of a motorcycle, be picky and make sure the one you buy has a polyurethane laminated (PUL) wind barrier. Regular polar fleece will do around town, but at -5 and 80kmh you're looking at frostbite in 20-30 minutes in small specs where wind rips thru seams.

You want a 'neck gaiter' designed for snowmobiling. There are lots of varieties available, but given the sustained high speed of a motorcycle, be picky and make sure the one you buy has a polyurethane laminated (PUL) wind barrier. Regular polar fleece will do around town, but at -5 and 80kmh you're looking at frostbite in 20-30 minutes in small specs where wind rips thru seams.

I've seen these but wasn't sure it would stay in position. It looks as though it would fall down, wouldn't it?
I ride as low as -4 celcius as long as its sunny out. I am fortunate to work 7 miles from my house so I start riding to work in March and end in late November but I do get out in between that on dry and sunny days

Edit: It's an offroad tire, so chances are it doesn't meet the Quebec standard.
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