Political Correctness?

You know what. Political correctness has a place.

Because that's the only safeguard that's in place against plain fakking ignorant opiniated people.

Is it pushed too far sometimes? Yes

Should it OVERTAKE our lives? No

But does it have a place in our society of ignorants, of pre-conceived ideas based on what the media feeds us or even of hear-says from so and so that i'll take as gospel and regurgitate back without any type of backing? Yes.
You know what. Political correctness has a place.

Because that's the only safeguard that's in place against plain fakking ignorant opiniated people.

Is it pushed too far sometimes? Yes

Should it OVERTAKE our lives? No

But does it have a place in our society of ignorants, of pre-conceived ideas based on what the media feeds us or even of hear-says from so and so that i'll take as gospel and regurgitate back without any type of backing? Yes.

Absolutely, there are some issues that we need some PC but as you mentioned, its gone too far. Some people have lost their sense of logic and are ignoring facts and reason to not offend someone.

It is getting out of control. These days anything and everything can be offensive to someone and regarldess of hor true it may be, we are supposed to shut out mouths and protect everyones hyper sensitive feelings.

Everyone is now entitled and no one can do any wrong apparently.
Yeah thats a great video. I actually posted it here on GTAM a few months ago.
People need to see these lol
You know what. Political correctness has a place.

Because that's the only safeguard that's in place against plain fakking ignorant opiniated people.

Political correctness? Can we define and agree on what the term means? I looked it up on wiki. According to the definition there I don't think it has a place, if I had to choose yay or nay. I will also look up "ignorant" and "opinionated". I want to get a full handle on the situation.
March is just around the corner, y'all 'll mellow out once you're riding again
Time to reread 1984.
I'm fed up with all this PC ********. Especially freedom of beliefs. You are NOT free to believe whatever you want. I don't care if it affects me or not. No room for unfounded beliefs in our modern society. Know science or GTFO. Every time I see a car with that no sex ed bumper sticker I just want to run it off the roads. And the types behind the wheel never surprise me...

Also, IDGAF, but women who drive wearing that Muslim costume are a danger on the roads. I feel my peripheral vision being reduced when wearing my winter coat with faux-fur trim, so I flip it inside out, of course this isn't a solution for that headwear as without it they are at a huge risk of being raped by men submitting to their most primal sexual urges . Before anyone hates on me for this, I come from that side of the world.

My (Caucasian) fiancée was trying to argue, who am I (or any other man) to control or comment on what a woman wears. I asked her if she really thinks that people dress like that on their own will. I told her let me take you to Egypt to see a man leading a string of ninja women with their respective kids and nannies. I asked her what she thinks would happen if a woman had as many sexual mates. How you like them women's rights?
I'm offended by Triumph the insult dog, he's clearly a rip-off of Ed the sock.
LMFAO at the name tags!! but he's a pretty bad actor cuz he keeps cracking up at his own jokes :/

I'm fed up with all this PC ********. Especially freedom of beliefs. You are NOT free to believe whatever you want. I don't care if it affects me or not. ...

Gonna have to disagree with you here, champ... people should be free to believe in anything they want; even the belief in science, (especially astrophysics and theoretical science) can be seen as questionable, because every time we thought we knew everything about the universe, we've later proved ourselves wrong.

I think what you mean to say is that everyone is allowed to have their own belief system, however no one should be allowed to inflict those beliefs on anyone else, or use their beliefs to put others at risk.
I agree with you Krishan, in theory. As in yes, people should be able to believe whatever batshi$crazy nonesense they want to fomr whatever stoneage they want to stay in. But the issue is the secular societies gives everyone the right to do that while the other side (usually the religious groups) dont want to give the same freedom to those very people who granted them to practice their belifs in the first place.

Not to pick on Muslims alone but this is a good example. Some Muslims immigrate to none religous and secular based countries and enjoy the freedom to practice their religion. But as soon as their numbers rise and as soon as they gain some politica power, they want to strip others of that same right.

Here are a few of MANY examples that have been taking place in Europe.

Who cars about PC, people just need to grow some thicker skin and get their heads out of their azz. :lmao:
Of course, i dont mean all Muslims, i mean the xextremists. But unfortunately those extrimists are the ones who are active and influence their societies. The passive ones are just watching on the side line and dont affect the statu quo on either side.
Who cars about PC, people just need to grow some thicker skin and get their heads out of their azz. :lmao:
But what do you do about idiots like Donald Trump?

Prime example of why there's PC. Because some people are just ignorant boisterous arseholes. And by doing the sheit he's doing, he's encouraging people to demonstrate more of their ignorance creating more division and more conflict.

Thicker skin is great in theory, but there's always people who are more sensitive with their hot strings.
But what do you do about idiots like Donald Trump?

It's funny, over many years, I read negative opinion pieces about whatever public figure but when I finally get around to really listening what they have to say it is never that outrageous. Most can back up what they say if you listen without prejudice. I'm more concerned about the ones who say all the "right things" but are controlled behind the scenes.
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