Something I noticed years ago during discussions somebody would try to make a point by quoting or giving examples from a movie. Without irony. Comedians with their observational humour were seen as delivering the straight goods. We have cartoons. Wow. Is there a kernel of truth in these? Of course. Would I build my personal zeitgeist from this? LOL, That reminds me, I need to check Cosmo to see what the spring colours will be this year. Power of suggestion. Chicken or egg first?
Of course these are cartoons but there are very real PC warriors out there that act the same way if not more violent, These cartoons just depic what is happening in the real world with a funny twist.
Ok, lets say I agree (I don't see it much in my daily lunch bucket town life) that there are very real PC warriors out there that act etc.....I am suggesting their world view and behaviour is informed and motivated by what they see in the media. One feeds on the other. I think people get a distorted view on what's really happening out there and act on it creating a self perpetuating snowball scenario. I think this is especially a problem with women as they tend to follow without thinking.
Agreed. If people used their brains we wouldnt have any of these problems. But most people dont and SJWs and radical feminists are a very good example of those groups of people. Add Trump fans to it lol
Agreed. If people used their brains we wouldnt have any of these problems. But most people dont and SJWs and radical feminists are a very good example of those groups of people. Add Trump fans to it lol
SJWs were behind the abolition of slavery, the end of racial segregation, women's rights starting with the right to vote, freedom of religion and from religion, universal health care, and more. Without those SJWs, Canada would not be Canada.
The people you are referring too are not SJWs. They were social activists who took to the streets and brought real change.
SJW in our time and in this contexts has a different definition. it means A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A social justice warrior, or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular blogger or commenter of the moment, hoping that they will "get SJ points" and become popular in return. They are very sure to adopt stances that
I have a lot of respect to people who abolished slaver, first and second wave feminists who fought for true equality of women. Those secularist leaders who despite their lack of religiosity, allowed other to keep their. Angry radical femiNazis silencing anyone who disagrees with them are not to be compared with those amazing men/women.
+1 LOL, you beat me to the punch. I looked up the SJW definition as well. Sure enough it is what it is. griff2 post is perfect example of SJW rhetoric.
The people you are referring too are not SJWs. They were social activists who took to the streets and brought real change.
Shades of gray. Using SJW as an insult is an easy way to casually dismiss anyone who campaigns in even the most benign way for a social justice issue that you do not agree with, and that is exactly how the term is being used (and overused) these days. It has lost any impact because of the ease in which zealots throw it out against others.
You call out angry feminazis silencing anyone who disagrees with them, but you throwing out SJW against them as a pejorative makes you little different from them.
The term "social justice warrior" was coined specifically as an insult to describe misguided internet warriors on social issues. It was first known to be used in 2009, so fairly recently. So real social activism cannot be compared to SJW. Know the term and use it properly.
SJWs were behind the abolition of slavery, the end of racial segregation, women's rights starting with the right to vote, freedom of religion and from religion, universal health care, and more. Without those SJWs, Canada would not be Canada.
The term has since been adopted for use as a general purpose insult to be applied to anyone who espouses a social issues agenda you disagree with. Given the pervasiveness of internet dissemination of social discussion, it is no different than calling someone PC or a bleeding heart. Know how the usage and misusage of the term has evolved from its initial scope.
Again, the term SJW was coined as an insult. That's the initial scope. People understand that and use it as such. Ashkan pointed that out. Why the rope-a-dope? No wonder everything's all muddled* up.
*a state of bewildering confusion or disorder
You call out angry feminazis silencing anyone who disagrees with them, but you throwing out SJW against them as a pejorative makes you little different from them.