Police State?

The gun club is feet from the edge of the open fire boundary line IIRC, but within it.

The email to the club, read by my contact, "requests" that the fires be stopped due to a methane issue at the landfill. No mention of contravening any law. Some members are up in arms because the powers that be are complying rather than ignoring the request. In part based on the fact that people are flying combustion engined model airplanes over the former dump, some members feel the request is motivated by some other agenda. I don't know how much anti anti gun paranoia plays into this. It's a new female inspector from Halton Region.
I'm gonna send them a request to close that forsaken place that trains killers. Hopefully they comply.
Waiting with patience for the headline in The Spec, Model airplane crashes down on former dump triggering methane blast that levels nearby gun club. Secondary opinions think a stray bomb long forgotten in the hold of the war museum Lancaster finally shook loose and took out the area. People trying to see the damage looking over the temporary fence erected around the crater are rounded up en mass ala G20. Confiscated bicycles are to be sold at auction.
The email to the club, read by my contact, "requests" that the fires be stopped due to a methane issue at the landfill. No mention of contravening any law. Some members are up in arms because the powers that be are complying rather than ignoring the request. In part based on the fact that people are flying combustion engined model airplanes over the former dump, some members feel the request is motivated by some other agenda. I don't know how much anti anti gun paranoia plays into this. It's a new female inspector from Halton Region.

Interested to see how this plays out, seeing as there's guys with 1/4 scale turbine RC jets burning kerosene fuel and running afterburners taking off on the runway 200 feet away from the gun range.

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Good point.
My contact and his like minded buddies (marshmellow roasters) are rallying the the members to unseat the incumbent power structure at next elections because of their refusal to assist in this matter. The board of directors has not attended even one campfire. That speaks volumes right there.
They need to keep an eye on that "new female inspector from Halton" as well. They're a sneaky, self serving bunch. My street use to be open fire. The bastards rezoned it without mentioning there was going to be a meeting. Have to keep the grill and a package of hot dogs on hand now so "I'm BBQing" if/when the fire department shows up. "I see you're cooking Mr. Jacket. Please put the fire out when you're finished. Have a nice evening." Toss the hot dogs to the dog when they leave and carry on.
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