Please stop me from selling my bike...

OP - sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Sounds like you're not even enjoying riding anyways, so if you can't afford the bike or insurance, sell it. No point in pissing money down the drain that you don't have. In 2003, I was in a similar situation and had to sell my 748 and S2000 to drive a 10-year old Saturn, as well as change my lifestyle completely to keep my kids in school. Three years later I was back on my feet, but admit it was a tough 3 years dreaming of riding every day.

Alternatively, consider selling the GSXR for something more insurance friendly to save some cash flow. My supermoto is the most fun I've ever had on two wheels, and it's only $300 a year to insure.

To be honest, my gsxr is super affordable on insurance. I paid $544. But the bike is losing value every year and I can't even find some time to ride it. Which supermoto do you have?
Through said sheer laziness, we can easily automate robot maintenance (remember those jobs we just talked about?) There are already machine learning models that are trying to predict when to perform preventative maintenance based on inputs from autonomous machines. You know those check engine lights and **** we have in our bikes? Imagine that on crack being fed to a machine automatically.

Through every iteration of automation, we create more efficiency. Efficiency, when translated to real world effects, means LESS JOBS. You don't make a system more efficient by creating more work. You make it efficient by eliminating the total amount of work!

See the problem now? There are a whole lot of ******** jobs out there, with no real purpose (lots of paper pushing jobs) as a direct result of modern capitalism which is in conflict of making **** more efficient.

As someone in the software field I can confidently say a whole lot ppl are going to get ****** in the near future as robo cop becomes non-fiction.

Machines can't fix themselves, you're living in the wrong era, your concerns for society's survival will never be realized in our lifetime.

Also incase you didn't figure it out yet; the less you do the more money you make. Front line workers make half what professionals make for doing easier work and management makes twice that for just talking about work, the CEO makes 10 times the entry level salary just for attending meetings and signing papers and when it's all done they get a thing called a golden parachute.
Aprilia SXV 450. That’s dirt cheap for a Gixxer! Who’s the insurer?


Front line workers make half what professionals make for doing easier work and management makes twice that for just talking about work, the CEO makes 10 times the entry level salary just for attending meetings and signing papers and when it's all done they get a thing called a golden parachute.

I could not agree more. Coming from professionals to Front Line worker now....whooosh....huge difference. A lot of folks recommend me to go back to school and get more educated. I dont know if I want to go through that route to be honest.
Machines can't fix themselves, you're living in the wrong era, your concerns for society's survival will never be realized in our lifetime.

Yes they can. Think about iteration cycles. The concept is similar to AGI creation which is done through automated software iterations with no human interference.

You may also wanna Google articles about automation, and job loss statistics. It's already slowly happening.

But like you said, you're retired so none of this matters to you.
OP...have your tired the world of FX trading?
Are you trying to bankrupt him? lol He may as well day trade too.

Well... Need to learn it like any other trade right? I'm sure if one spent the amount of time setting up a buisness and learning about it and working hard on it he'd get success...same applies for ain't no click of a mouse by the beach in some island crap :P
OP...have your tired the world of FX trading?

No because leverages scare the **** out of me. I do stocks though.

Are you trying to bankrupt him? lol He may as well day trade too.

I did swing trading. I made $1100 within 3 days but damn that was a roller coaster ride. However, I noticed how easy it was to make that money. To make $1100 in my current jobs is a lot of hard work :(

Well... Need to learn it like any other trade right? I'm sure if one spent the amount of time setting up a buisness and learning about it and working hard on it he'd get success...same applies for ain't no click of a mouse by the beach in some island crap :p

I totally agree.

On the side note, worked at Hazelton Hotel last night. Was supposed to be the valet but they made me work as a door man. Was questioning my life a lot and the things I am doing to keep myself afloat. I am not saying I am the smartest guy but I did pretty well in high school and alright in university. 5 co-op work experiences from university and then great work experience after university. Yup, I am struggling.

Anyway, dont want to ruin your Sunday guys. Go out there and ride safe. I will be working as Amazon delivery driver this afternoon.
On the side note, worked at Hazelton Hotel last night. Was supposed to be the valet but they made me work as a door man. Was questioning my life a lot and the things I am doing to keep myself afloat. I am not saying I am the smartest guy but I did pretty well in high school and alright in university. 5 co-op work experiences from university and then great work experience after university. Yup, I am struggling.

Anyway, dont want to ruin your Sunday guys. Go out there and ride safe. I will be working as Amazon delivery driver this afternoon.

I'm about wee | | close to quitting my job and yolo starting my own business because every day I go to work I legit want to kill myself. Hell, I'm thinking about tomorrow right now and dreading it already.

So if it makes you feel better, the grass isn't always greener lol
Also incase you didn't figure it out yet; the less you do the more money you make. Front line workers make half what professionals make for doing easier work and management makes twice that for just talking about work, the CEO makes 10 times the entry level salary just for attending meetings and signing papers and when it's all done they get a thing called a golden parachute.

Can confirm...not sure how it happened or when but the less I do...the more I make...go figure. Weird but I'm enjoying it.
@black_CG2...have you considered UBER/LYFT? My buddy here is doing it on the time we're at home (1 week) and the last time we were home he pulled in $1300 b/w the two of them.
curious about this- I used to do this for a living, but got out of it a few years back because I wanted to have a more reliable revenue stream. If this is your field, I would love to pick your brains.

This is not my field ...but I've been doing it for a while.... this year ,I've paying all my attention to it....let's see what happens..
Have been applying hardcore and trying to utilize some connections. Still nothing.

I do have some business ideas but before I go balls deep, still need a job to pay bills. Spoke to my mom and she said that I should have become a doctor. I would have never been unemployed. But I don't think I had the brains to be one. She says about MBA but I'm nervous about it as I know so many ppl have MBA these days. Every day I feel worse. I just wish one of these days, I would hear something positive. Was thinking of ending my life...
Have been applying hardcore and trying to utilize some connections. Still nothing.

I do have some business ideas but before I go balls deep, still need a job to pay bills. Spoke to my mom and she said that I should have become a doctor. I would have never been unemployed. But I don't think I had the brains to be one. She says about MBA but I'm nervous about it as I know so many ppl have MBA these days. Every day I feel worse. I just wish one of these days, I would hear something positive. Was thinking of ending my life...
An MBA without appropriate work experience makes many people more annoying and useless. I definitely wouldn't be tossing that much money at a school without a clear path forward (especially when many businesses will pick up the tab for you if they think it will help you help them).

Props for doing whatever it takes to make money. Job hunting sucks.
Have been applying hardcore and trying to utilize some connections. Still nothing.

I do have some business ideas but before I go balls deep, still need a job to pay bills. Spoke to my mom and she said that I should have become a doctor. I would have never been unemployed. But I don't think I had the brains to be one. She says about MBA but I'm nervous about it as I know so many ppl have MBA these days. Every day I feel worse. I just wish one of these days, I would hear something positive. Was thinking of ending my life...

Woah! Hang in there. And don’t get too caught up in goals and achievements.

Find pleasure and happiness in the little things and shake off the bad. Or at least accept the bad as a teaching moment to make you stronger.

I’ve got a college diploma as an Electrical Technician.

I’ve worked in retail, insurance and banking.

I probably can’t wire a ceiling fan to code. Lol.

I’ve worked in filing, mail room, call centres for a little more than minimum wage.

Been re-engineered a few times. A couple of times with a young family responsibility.

Each time I found a way.

And sometimes, it was someone else that believed in me more than I believed in myself.

What ever you path is, it’s what you make of it. Not anyone else.

When you have the right mind set and attitude, things have a way of working out.

Don’t let life get you down.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Have been applying hardcore and trying to utilize some connections. Still nothing.

I do have some business ideas but before I go balls deep, still need a job to pay bills. Spoke to my mom and she said that I should have become a doctor. I would have never been unemployed. But I don't think I had the brains to be one. She says about MBA but I'm nervous about it as I know so many ppl have MBA these days. Every day I feel worse. I just wish one of these days, I would hear something positive. Was thinking of ending my life...

The only way to start a business... is to go "balls deep".
If you think you have an idea.. talk to someone that will be honest with you and give you unbiased feedback about your ideas... like other business owners, etc... If afterwards you still think you have something.. then start putting together your plan, etc.. ready yourself to approach the people that will help get your idea off the ground.
Go get a job.

If you have computer skills and interpersonal skills you can get a good paying job in a gov't or corporate call center. These are typically entry positions however they pay around $40K to start, have great benefits and they open a world of opportunities. Telecom, Banking, Consumer goods, Insurance, Govt -- all these sectors are starving for people, they corporate centers use these as their pipeline pool for higher level jobs. These large companies employ thousands of people, they have tons of positions filled by people that started at the bottom and worked their way up -- most with little to no post secondary education.

The hours might suck but the the pay, incentives, benefits, training and most important the long term opportunity are pretty good compared to retail and production work. Be prepared to work hard for 12-18 months, then if you stick to your development plan you start moving forward with your career.
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