Please stop me from selling my bike...

i used to do Business brokerage so before you buy a franchise I suggest we have a chat...
I think I just wanna pick your brain sometime.

Sent from my purple G4 using Tapatalk

I rode my buddy's r6 and drz yesterday. First ride of the season. Felt nice but also I felt like my mind was elsewhere. You know...the stress.
I second that. The fastest path to a 6 figure income is almost always in sales (I don't mean retail selling -- call centers, cars, furniture, cosmetics). Not everyone is capable -- if you are it's a no brainer.

Software development, medicine, or health are better. Don't have kids, and dump the money into index investing (read a book or two on this.) Retire within 20~ years if you live like a jew.

Sales generally involves manipulation of facts in order to maximize profit (aka. selling **** ppl don't need or ******** marketing.) I know this because as a software developer I'm on the receiving end of both the company I work for over-promising **** and higher ups falling for dumb ******* marketing that leads to more problems during systems integration. Not saying this is wrong or right, I'm simply saying marketing and sales creates more problems than they solve from an efficiency and objectivity standpoint.

Most of my friends are in the professions I listed above and have household incomes in the top 5% of Ontario based on stats and the job security is pretty good; everyone's gonna keep dying/having health problems, and all human executed tasks are inefficient as ****.

........oh, and a good frd of mine is a doctor who $45k a month lol
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Software development, medicine, or health are better. Don't have kids, and dump the money into index investing (read a book or two on this.) Retire within 20~ years if you live like a jew.

Sales generally involves manipulation of facts in order to maximize profit (aka. selling **** ppl don't need or ******** marketing.) I know this because as a software developer I'm on the receiving end of both the company I work for over-promising **** and higher ups falling for dumb ******* marketing that leads to more problems during systems integration. Not saying this is wrong or right, I'm simply saying marketing and sales creates more problems than they solve from an efficiency and objectivity standpoint.

Most of my friends are in the professions I listed above and have household incomes in the top 5% of Ontario based on stats and the job security is pretty good; everyone's gonna keep dying/having health problems, and all human executed tasks are inefficient as ****.

........oh, and a good frd of mine is a doctor who $45k a month lol

You seem very intelligent and I would love to pick your brain sometime. I read a lot about index investing and I actually LOVE investing in weed stocks. Sales/Marketing are both necessary imo because when you produce something lets say a game, you need proper marketing campaign to put the word out there.

Hanging out with rich friends, does make you grow and become rich.
Hanging out with rich friends, does make you grow and become rich.
I believe the term you are looking for is networking leads to prosperity.
:| rich people don't like it much if you say, hey; I'm hanging out with ya'll because you're loaded.

"Retire within 20~ years if you... " :eek: o-o
you spelt shrew wrong, might want to fix that !
Hey GTAM folks, I don't want to do this but I am forced to due my financial situation.

I have been laid off since May of last year and I have been working some jobs/contracts here and there. However, I could not just get back to my career and I might have to settle for lower paying work. Financially, I am debt free because I have always been very careful with credit. I do not know what is happening in my field but I need some time to figure everything out. Senior Business Analyst here with some project management background and insurance. I am good at selling too. Currently, I am working part time for a real estate portfolio company.

So if anyone has any connection in my field or anything related, please give me a shout! Don't let another rider to be forced to stop riding :(

Thanks guys!
Apply at a bank, start in a contact center as they pay considerably more than a retail branch. Invest a year and your opportunity is only limited by your capability and ambition. All major banks start their contact center employees at approx $40K, and with incentives the best make $50K their first year. The small banks have 30,000 jobs, the big ones 75,000 -- opportunity is limitless.
Yeah. I know some people that have purchased franchises and they just seem to be working to pay their overlord while gaining very little in return. One I know of was told that business would break even in 8 months with 10 hours of their effort required each week. The last I talked to them, they were over two years, losing money every month and working 80 hour weeks to try to keep it afloat. As far as I can tell, the franchiser took a ton of money while providing almost nothing in return (and they were locked into a decade long contract so no way to escape other than bankruptcy). If it is a known winner (like McD's), that one thing, but then you are in the millions to get started.
Franchises come in 3 flavors --1) you have a ton of money and want to own a proven business (McD, Tims etc), or 2) You want to work your ass off and make a reasonable income as a self employed person - Subway, Mr Sub, or anuthing in the food biz, 3) You want to work hard and make a great living -- anything in home services.

My kid did did the third option. He cleans carpets, bought a well known franchise for $50K including all equipment. Hard work, but he slugged out $600/day in profits his first year and paid off the loan he got to buy the franchise. 2 years later runs 2 crews and he nets just over $1000/day. Hartd work, great rewards.
If I knew how much fun it is to operate an excavator :I probably would have bought one when I was 20 and dug big holes for a living.
OP - sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Sounds like you're not even enjoying riding anyways, so if you can't afford the bike or insurance, sell it. No point in pissing money down the drain that you don't have. In 2003, I was in a similar situation and had to sell my 748 and S2000 to drive a 10-year old Saturn, as well as change my lifestyle completely to keep my kids in school. Three years later I was back on my feet, but admit it was a tough 3 years dreaming of riding every day.

Alternatively, consider selling the GSXR for something more insurance friendly to save some cash flow. My supermoto is the most fun I've ever had on two wheels, and it's only $300 a year to insure.
You seem very intelligent and I would love to pick your brain sometime. I read a lot about index investing and I actually LOVE investing in weed stocks. Sales/Marketing are both necessary imo because when you produce something lets say a game, you need proper marketing campaign to put the word out there.

Hanging out with rich friends, does make you grow and become rich.

PM me whenever. And I'd consider myself a dumbass because I plan things out and rarely execute them to completion lol

I don't think marketing or sales are necessary at all. Anthem is an example of an extremely well marketed piece of **** that clearly suffered from a lack of direction due to upper management not knowing what the **** they want lol

Meanwhile you have gems like Stardew Valley, Cuphead, Enter the Gungeon, and many other indie titles that I found through word of mouth and not ads. I think the purpose of marketing and sales made sense initial but has evolved to straight up subterfuge due to our capitalistic system.

.............not to say communism is any better though.
Historically sales professionals made way bigger bucks then service professionals, those days ended about the time the internet came into existence.
Historically sales professionals made way bigger bucks then service professionals, those days ended about the time the internet came into existence.

My argument is that money being the end to be all is pretty ****** up and is causing issues for poor folks like the OP here.

I'm driven by making processes more efficient, therefore saving time, therefore giving myself and everyone else more time to do **** we want. You know those robots taking over jobs? That's one result of this. So instead of freeing up time for people, the system results in job loss and people becoming poor.

I'd love to automate a bunch of **** so people could have more free time to spend with their friends, family, and passions but that isn't what happens =(
If the robots are taking all the laborious repetitious mechanical jobs then learn to build or fix robots, no?
... sorry pay no attention to me I'm retired and done being part of the solution is my turn to be part of the problem.
If the robots are taking all the laborious repetitious mechanical jobs then learn to build or fix robots, no?
... sorry pay no attention to me I'm retired and done being part of the solution is my turn to be part of the problem.

This is a common fallacy.

If we cared only about progress, and efficiency, automation will eliminate between 40%-70% of current jobs depending on which article you read. The driving factor to most software developers and engineers I've met is extreme laziness. A lot of devs I know have systems in place that are designed to even prevent thinking. The idea isn't to save a business money, it's literally to do less **** so we can do something else (in my case, playing video games or racing motorcycles.)

Through said sheer laziness, we can easily automate robot maintenance (remember those jobs we just talked about?) There are already machine learning models that are trying to predict when to perform preventative maintenance based on inputs from autonomous machines. You know those check engine lights and **** we have in our bikes? Imagine that on crack being fed to a machine automatically.

Through every iteration of automation, we create more efficiency. Efficiency, when translated to real world effects, means LESS JOBS. You don't make a system more efficient by creating more work. You make it efficient by eliminating the total amount of work!

See the problem now? There are a whole lot of ******** jobs out there, with no real purpose (lots of paper pushing jobs) as a direct result of modern capitalism which is in conflict of making **** more efficient.

As someone in the software field I can confidently say a whole lot ppl are going to get ****** in the near future as robo cop becomes non-fiction.
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If I knew how much fun it is to operate an excavator :I probably would have bought one when I was 20 and dug big holes for a living.

Everything becomes boring in time.

When I started my current profession I was in a constant state of wonder and amazement for the first few years. Someone just gave me a shiny nice new piece of equipment worth a quarter million dollars and sent me on an adventure with magic credit cards that paid for everything. And no boss looking over my shoulder, ever. I did things as I wanted, when I wanted, as long as I got to point B on time.

But 25 years later, it’s just a bloody grind. I often wish I could get the hell out.
Everything becomes boring in time.

When I started my current profession I was in a constant state of wonder and amazement for the first few years. Someone just gave me a shiny nice new piece of equipment worth a quarter million dollars and sent me on an adventure with magic credit cards that paid for everything. And no boss looking over my shoulder, ever. I did things as I wanted, when I wanted, as long as I got to point B on time.

But 25 years later, it’s just a bloody grind. I often wish I could get the hell out.

wow- I would like to try my hand at it. Especially if it takes 25 years to get tired of something!
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