To avoid someone getting locked in quarantine with you, the recommended (required?) approach is someone drops a car for you at the airport. You hop in and drive home (after an exhausting 24 hour flight, drive safe). Hopefully whoever dropped off you car also stocked your house with two weeks of food. If you dont have a car (or friend that can give you a car for a week or two), you might be able to get a two week rental at the airport? Not ideal for so many reasons though. I guess last resort is airport limo, not sure what restrictions/cleaning fees they are tacking on right now.
You are not allowed to go to a store until your 14 days are up. If you cannot find someone to stock your house, you can get grocery delivery. This will be complicated as most services have four to seven day lead time right now as they are not scaled for this many requests.
In short, the easiest and safest solution is you get someone to help and coordinate transportation and food on this end. Doing it from Mumbai will be tiring at best.
I am under the impression that most airport car rentals are for business travelers. With the various lock downs are they sitting idle or has a new demand come up?
If not are they open?
Airport pick up cars are twice the price of down the street. Any breaks on that?
How long before the rental is safe again, mix of cloth, plastic and metal surfaces?
Does the OP have a parking spot for an extra car? There are so many trickle downs from this thing.
If the OP has someone that can drive the OP's car to the AP with a second car following they drop the OP's vehicle at the parking level and everyone goes home. If yes make sure the car starts if it's been sitting. The pair delivering the car should be from the same household and free of symptoms and risk factors. Basic groceries in the back seat?