Playing Hookey Ride - Wednesday Scarborough

Hookey Ride Thursday September 26th.....Meet up: Timmies Kingston rd. (Hwy 2) just east of Port Union (south side)

8:00 am head out 8:15

- full tank - empty bladder. Destination to be determined
Hookey Ride Thursday September 26th.....Meet up: Timmies Kingston rd. (Hwy 2) just east of Port Union (south side)

8:00 am head out 8:15

- full tank - empty bladder. Destination to be determined

Yay you're back:) Off tomorro but have other plans, next time.
Yay you're back:) Off tomorro but have other plans, next time.

Yes, thanks rafiki911, I'm back, (loud pipes and all). (yet to determine if they save lives). LOL ....I'll try to do a Wednesday ride just for you next time. I'm putting together a thanksgiving ride to Letchworth State Park (,2,3,4,5&t=m&z=9) and the Finger Lakes (not sure if I'll post for riders as an illness in the family may cause the ride to be cancelled on short notice). How's your riding season been? I've clocked about 11,000 km so far and am looking forward to some fall color rides (Southwood Rd., Bancroft, 507 etc.). I'm aching for another fall ride down hwy. 3 to Windsor again and completing the rest of the yummy Northumberland County Butter Tart tour ( Hope all is well with you and that we get a chance to ride together before the season ends....;)
OK - finally a day off to play hookey.... the plan is to take the back roads to Rice Lake Scenic Dr., pass through Warkworth, head south to Grafton, Cobourg, Port Hope, then Lakeshore Dr. to Newtonville and then slabbing in back home. (The suggested route is not set in stone, and subject to change).
As they say a picture is worth 1000 words. The hookey ride was a blast.... //
Looks like a great ride:) My seasons been pretty good, only at about 7,000 kms but it's not over yet;)
Looks like a great ride:) My seasons been pretty good, only at about 7,000 kms but it's not over yet;)
It was a great ride, thanks, couldn't have asked for a nicer day. For sure the riding season is not over, I'm looking forward to lots of beautiful fall riding days ahead. (as fall is about my favourite time to ride).
I'm planning to join you next year - took some time off to do some dirt riding to mix it up, back on the road.
Sounds good, I always welcome people to join in the fun. The pace is usually relaxed, I ride a cruiser - so no killer twisties here. My agenda always includes stops for photos, gas and food.
It's been a while....I have the urge to take the bike out today..... If you're not doing anything please join me for what may very well be my last ride of the season... "The 2013 Freeeezzzeee your *** 0ff Hookey Ride" ................................. Hookey Ride Thursday November 21 .....Meet up: Timmies: 7337 Kingston Rd
Toronto ON, (416) 283-9111 (Click link for Map):

9:00am head out 9:15

Arrive: Dressed warm.... It'll be freezing on the bikes - full tank - empty bladder. Destination: Annina's Bakery in Goodwood for a warm up coffee and sweets....
I wish I had the day off

Sent from my tablet using my paws
OMG, has it been 2 years? A lot has happened since then; about 25,000 bike kilometers. I don't think I'll reactivate Wednesdays, but maybe weekends?? My wife got licensed this year and now rides her own Vulcan 800. Many 3 and 4 day weekend trips over the past 2 years: Finger lakes, Burlington Vt., Sault St. Marie, the coast to Windsor, Pelee Island, Algonquin, Haliburton Highlands, Manitoulin Island, just to name a few. I hope everyone is faring well, and in good health!

Definitely some of the best rides I'd been on. I remember meeting at the Tim's on Kingston Rd. Thank you SeaBreez for showing us around.
My first group ride was a hookey ride, 6 days after I got my Daytona...mid November...great ride!
Ya, I kinda miss the hookey rides too, but have been making it up on the weekends over the past two years. Thinking of going to Haliburton area on Sunday Morning, if there is interest, let me know.
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