Plasma is dead.

I googled it. Seems to be a very common problem with all of their plasma sizes. The power light will flash a certain number of times to indicate what the failure is. In my case it flashed 10. From all the similar stories I've read online it seems Panasonic designed these sets to fail.

That is surprising. I found those sets to be uber reliable.
Do you not own a Civic, car of "winners"? Or in a few years when BB market share matches Android or Apple,

Lol...... I definitely do NOT own a civic. At this point in my life, I won't spend less than $40,000 on any new personal vehicle.

And Blackberry has a looooong way to go before they ever catch up to Android, if they ever do.

Thanks for the morning chuckle.
That is surprising. I found those sets to be uber reliable.

Like I said earlier, we do home theater stuff, and only sell Sony or Panasonic tvs in our packages.

Up to this point, in 10 years, I haven't had a single Sony tv go back for repair. Sadly, I can't say the same for the Panasonic. For example, I had one crap out in less than a year, Panasonic sent a repair guy 3times to try and repair it. Then he gave up and it was a bit of a hassel to get the customer a replacement.

I've also had more people comment that the Sony picture quality looks better than the Panasonic. I tend to agree.

For this reason and others, I always recommend the Sony tv's to my customers first, but still feel Panasonic has an overall decent product.
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Future shop is running a big promo on Panasonics new 2013 plasma lineup.
Somebody should tell panasonic plasma is dead.
Future shop is running a big promo on Panasonics new 2013 plasma lineup.
Somebody should tell panasonic plasma is dead.

Make sure you get the extended warranty.
Samsung embraced all three formats because each has pros and cons depending on their use. Screen size, room size, light and material viewed.

I don't see Plasma jumping the shark just yet.

The good news is the pricing continues to go down with all the competition. We all win.
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