Plasma is dead.

Sadly, plasma has been a dying technology for years. Panasonic is following in the footsteps of others before it such as Pioneer. It's only been relatively recently that LCD has caught up with plasma in terms of overall picture quality. But LCD has more room to grow whereas plasma is no longer evolving and still possesses the same drawbacks it had years ago.
Sony should invest in selling their tv's at competitive prices and not a couple hundred more just because it says sony on it. Samsung led is still the way to go imo.
Didn't appear that way when I was looking for my new tv a few months ago.



By my calculator that's $700 difference and the samsung had a way nicer picture.

That $700 gets you a better tv with more features and better picture. Not just the Sony label.

According to the editors, the Samsung is merely "good"

Sony, "one of the top performing LED's ever"
That's the reviews. In person I didn't like the picture as much as samsung. To each their own I guess but pricing is why I've never had a sony product in my house other than the ps3
Well, I will miss the plasmas when they are gone. Despite their faults, I still prefer their picture over LCD/LED displays.
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