I'm not sure if I've missed anything but what's with the proposed piracy law from the USA?
The concept is valid but where does it stop?
If someone invests $10 million hiring programmers etc to write a new piece of software and the first customer that buys one runs off a few thousand and sells them at $10 a pop the investor goes belly up. There is no incentive for anyone to improve the world. Understood.
However as I understand it, the USA wants to be able to shut down or penalize Wikipedia etc or even GTAM, if someone posts a picture clipped from a copywritten site. Using the same logic, the gun manufacturers should be tried for murder every time someone gets killed by a gun. The auto makers should be liable for all traffic collisions.
Where does the protection of a copywrite, intellectual properties etc end?
Getting closer to home, I was admiring an original oil painting at a bike show a few years back and talking to the artist. The painting was of a scene at a motorcycle dealership in a rural setting. She mentioned it was a real place but she had not put the Harley-Davidson sign on the building due to concerns over copywrite laws. This was a one off, hand painted, work of art, not a bunch of made in China belt buckles. The artist was, I believe Mrs. Gummiente.
Could I be arrested for whistling while I work if I hadn't paid a royalty?
Is it legal to sell second hand books?
The concept is valid but where does it stop?
If someone invests $10 million hiring programmers etc to write a new piece of software and the first customer that buys one runs off a few thousand and sells them at $10 a pop the investor goes belly up. There is no incentive for anyone to improve the world. Understood.
However as I understand it, the USA wants to be able to shut down or penalize Wikipedia etc or even GTAM, if someone posts a picture clipped from a copywritten site. Using the same logic, the gun manufacturers should be tried for murder every time someone gets killed by a gun. The auto makers should be liable for all traffic collisions.
Where does the protection of a copywrite, intellectual properties etc end?
Getting closer to home, I was admiring an original oil painting at a bike show a few years back and talking to the artist. The painting was of a scene at a motorcycle dealership in a rural setting. She mentioned it was a real place but she had not put the Harley-Davidson sign on the building due to concerns over copywrite laws. This was a one off, hand painted, work of art, not a bunch of made in China belt buckles. The artist was, I believe Mrs. Gummiente.
Could I be arrested for whistling while I work if I hadn't paid a royalty?
Is it legal to sell second hand books?