Pilot Road 3 tires malfunction and cause crash

How long are tires supposed to last? I just changed mine at 5k and they were dunzo...
I got 13.3k out of my stock tires (Dunlop Qualifiers, absolute hockey pucks) and 15.5k out of my Diablo Corsa III's (with some serious abuse, smoke shows during world cup, etc. STUCK LIKE GLUE!). And oh yeah, I run my pressures really low. 31 front and 28 rear, so I'm sure that helps the rear center tread last a lil longer =)

Oh, and he posted the manufactured date codes if you take a look at the forum.
Yeah, just saw that. For the rear tire it was code 3410, the 34th week of 2010 or aug 22-28, 2010.

-Jamie M.
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Some interesting posts popped up on the last two pages of that thread on the FZ6 website..

I think I'll still get the PR3's..
So vrus.......tell us how your tires are doing now......after riding them hard.....then soft..????
2 tire malfunctions? Dunno... not saying it didn't happen, but if it did there must be another factor going on here. So did I understand this correctly? From the same set, the rear chunked, he got that replaced than the original front went boom? If that is the case and things happened as he said they did.... then some factor was introduced into the tires. Geez... I don't know how Michelin makes their tires, but I doubt they match batch the fronts and rears. They probably have 2 completely separate production lines going on. So.... for a set to have both tires go bad...... either he should be playing the lottery OR there is another factor not being taken into consideration. Thermal shock? Chemicals? (although really, tire rubber is tough stuff)... tire pressures?

Strange....and ya, 10,000 MILES... frig... that's like 16,000 kilometers. I've never had a tire come close to that mileage while street riding..... and that tire looks like it could have done 10,000 more. :D
2 tire malfunctions? Dunno... not saying it didn't happen, but if it did there must be another factor going on here. So did I understand this correctly? From the same set, the rear chunked, he got that replaced than the original front went boom? If that is the case and things happened as he said they did.... then some factor was introduced into the tires. Geez... I don't know how Michelin makes their tires, but I doubt they match batch the fronts and rears. They probably have 2 completely separate production lines going on. So.... for a set to have both tires go bad...... either he should be playing the lottery OR there is another factor not being taken into consideration. Thermal shock? Chemicals? (although really, tire rubber is tough stuff)... tire pressures?

Strange....and ya, 10,000 MILES... frig... that's like 16,000 kilometers. I've never had a tire come close to that mileage while street riding..... and that tire looks like it could have done 10,000 more. :D

You're not the only one that thinks the entire thing looks pretty damn sketchy...
2 tire malfunctions? Dunno... not saying it didn't happen, but if it did there must be another factor going on here. So did I understand this correctly? From the same set, the rear chunked, he got that replaced than the original front went boom? If that is the case and things happened as he said they did.... then some factor was introduced into the tires. Geez... I don't know how Michelin makes their tires, but I doubt they match batch the fronts and rears. They probably have 2 completely separate production lines going on. So.... for a set to have both tires go bad...... either he should be playing the lottery OR there is another factor not being taken into consideration. Thermal shock? Chemicals? (although really, tire rubber is tough stuff)... tire pressures?

Strange....and ya, 10,000 MILES... frig... that's like 16,000 kilometers. I've never had a tire come close to that mileage while street riding..... and that tire looks like it could have done 10,000 more. :D

i have the same bike and i run pilot road 2's. my last set lasted over 25000km and my current set has 10,000km on them. that is with a trip to deals gap. feel free to inspect my tires.
that's like 16,000 kilometers. I've never had a tire come close to that mileage while street riding.....

lol sounds like u need to do more riding. my last bike had stock bt 20 and it had 18,000kms before i changed them. they could've lasted longer too but the rear had a nail in it.
My BT21's have about 8k on them and still look brand new so I wouldn't be surprised if they last another 10k or more...
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