Pilot Road 3 tires malfunction and cause crash

Great... Same bike as this dude (FZ6) and I have the PR3.
I love the tires, I feel super confident with them... Well, I did... that's what I get for going all out on tires. I broke my personal rule of not buying the first year of a new product.
ridiculous...I was about to order these tonight after weeks of trying to decide what tires to put on my 05 sv650s....
Damn it, now I'm back at square one...what to get....PR2's?!?!

I had pilot road 2's on my SV650 and I think I got about 27K on them. I now have Dunlop Roadsmarts (also the dual compound tyres). I only went with the Dunlops because no PR2's were available when I needed them. It's hard to compare because I upgraded the suspension when the PR2's were old (~22K on them).

I think both are great tyres. I would have no hesitation with PR2s again.....
Great... Same bike as this dude (FZ6) and I have the PR3.
I love the tires, I feel super confident with them... Well, I did... that's what I get for going all out on tires. I broke my personal rule of not buying the first year of a new product.

I wouldn't stress about it.. this is ONE case and a lot of the info is sketchy so just wait until the investigation is done.. I'm sure a lot is rider error and various other variables!
I wouldn't stress about it.. this is ONE case and a lot of the info is sketchy

I agree, I wouldn't sweat it at all. Michelin is a great company who has been making great tires. One failure does not make a trend.
None the less, the info is sketchy. someone questioned whether he had the right sizes on, he never answered the question. I also wonder if, because they BOTH had a catastrophic malfunction, it's possible he rides through or parks on some kind of a chemical (liquid or solid) that ate away at the rubber compound.

Also, the tire just happens to blow as soon as he gets off the highway going at speeds that would have killed him and he just HAPPENS to crash into the back of his own wifes suv? What are the odds...
all i can say is wow
What are the odds...

got tinfoil hat on? what are the odds of a lot of things happening? like this FVA- Girl gets taken out by soccer ball! what are the odds of the kicker missing the net, the goalie just HAPPENED to not catch it. the ball just HAPPENED to hit the pole and the girl just HAPPENED to be there.

or this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaOVNqA7lBA what are the odds of the bike getting caught with the other, and the engine just HAPPENED to not stall, and both bikes just HAPPENED to spin around.
Seeing chunking on a bike tire is a bit eerie...

It's not impossible that a bad batch slips through every now and then, I guess ... I hope Michelin recalls these tires or shares information about which ones are bad. It's not impossible that it's a design flaw either, but I'd be very surprised. OP said he'd post the date codes from his tires, that will be good information to have for those that have PR3s.
Interesting read. I agree details are somewhat sketchy but at least the first pic looks like it'd be kind hard to fake unless he took a heat gun to his tires out on the highway just to get the pic...
1) @skyrider - I found the tinfoil hat comment rather immature and unnecessary, but hey, to each their own.
2) I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm just saying I'm a little skeptical because the OP is NOT releasing all the information and only answering the questions he wants to. He hasn't commented on the tire sizes, the manufacture date codes, etc.
kinda BS how Michelin's email implied his tire pressure was off. under deflated tires don't explode. i put on like 1000 kms with 19psi front and rear and everything was fine.

Yes they do. Underinflated tires run hot, and will separate and blow out eventually. Did you not follow the Firestone/Ford issue that has brought us to the mandated tire pressure monitoring system that must be installed on all light duty vehicles sold after Sept 1, 2007? You think they did that because underinflated tires don't blow out?
To Skyrider and Heylerds, maybe your right, and it is a tripmeter.

That didn't occur to me. I've never seen a six digit tripmeter.
1) @skyrider - I found the tinfoil hat comment rather immature and unnecessary, but hey, to each their own.
2) I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm just saying I'm a little skeptical because the OP is NOT releasing all the information and only answering the questions he wants to. He hasn't commented on the tire sizes, the manufacture date codes, etc.

pls dont take offense. it was meant as a joke. jokes are usually immature. if everything was mature we'd all be living in retirement homes.
Instead of the PR3's get the Pirelli Diablo Rosso Corsa. Loving them so far, and if I get anywhere near the 15,000km's of abuse I got out of my Diablo Corsa III's I'll be super happy! =)


Yes, I know the url says PR3's, but he replaced the combo deals with the Pirelli, wonder why!?! =)

And DANG that's nasty! To rear end YOUR WIFE while she and two other riders watch your front tire shred before their eyes!


-Jamie M.
How long are tires supposed to last? I just changed mine at 5k and they were dunzo...
pete still has the combo offer for the tires.

Oh, and he posted the manufactured date codes if you take a look at the forum. Mine were made early on '11. Also, I don't think we would ever reach the temperature of the OP's location. I'm feeling ... fairly safe, lol.
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