Pickup truck vs trailer vs van

A garage w/o heat is perfect. If it's heated every night all the snow and slush melts to brine that can seep into every crack and crevas. Outside it all stays as a frozen benign lump.
I'm not going to break out the calculator on this, but I'm fairly confident I've paid more than $82K just in taxes on all the cars and bikes I've bought over the years...

Did I mention I also order avocado on my subs at Subway?

dock nieghbor has half that in his 'tuneup' on his porche he left sitting, by the time the engine is done and the turbo gets rebuilt he'll be at 80k ish. But then the other guy on my other side paid 6,500 US for an AM radio. apparently the only Ferrari made with a radio dial that says "ferrari" was his dino, and it must be perfect so he says.

They like to park beside my F150 because it blocks the view and doooshes don't want to pose on the hood for selfies while he's out in the lake.
A garage w/o heat is perfect. If it's heated every night all the snow and slush melts to brine that can seep into every crack and crevas. Outside it all stays as a frozen benign lump.
Ours is very rarely intentionally heated but runs just over freezing (2 to 8C depending on outside temp). Yes rust may be worse in garage, but engines are much happier. The daycare run gets oil up to full operating temp instead of not even registering on the gauge when it starts at -20. Only the second year with a garage. Typically keep cars 10 years. We'll see how it plays out. People are definitely much happier getting in in the garage with no wind/ice/snow drifts to contend with.
Don't get me wrong GG, I HATE cleaning the snow and ice from the car AND my garage space is eaten up by toys. So having the cars not rust is just a side benifit. As to the motor not liking the cold, I always had a good commute that would get it up to temp. Not to mention I now drive toyotas and those things never seem to stop beating (no matter how badly I treat them) .
dock nieghbor has half that in his 'tuneup' on his porche he left sitting, by the time the engine is done and the turbo gets rebuilt he'll be at 80k ish. But then the other guy on my other side paid 6,500 US for an AM radio. apparently the only Ferrari made with a radio dial that says "ferrari" was his dino, and it must be perfect so he says.

Again... if this is a thread against frivolous car/bike-related purchases, it's not a competition I'm going to win...

Any story I tell on here will quickly get shared as a, "If you think that's bad, I know this guy who..." anecdote.
The boomers wrecked the housing market, I'll never save enough to buy in, hope my rental house has parking for my 70K (after taxes and financing 82K?) TRD pro truck.


100% correct and I would be very ashamed if I bought a $70k truck but rented.

I can't do it though, my wife would snitch me out. Then my parents and extended family will riot. My parents would beat my ass, grandparents would also get in on the fun and it would not end well for me.

Should have seen the drama when I bought my wife the CUV :]

With my current car, I chose it because I can omit the trim level so the family thinks it is just a normal car :p
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You guys park your car or truck in the garage?

NOPE SORRY you're doing it wrong.
A single garage can hold two riding bikes, tool box, parts and a lift... and ya' gotta keep jamming stuff in there till you can hardly move, same bike has been on the lift for 4 years(mostly because you can't figure HOW to get the thing out of there, maybe we'll call Jamie with the "rotater"), ya got enough parts to to build 87% of 14 different bikes....
And when you're spending all your time and money on bikes, who can afford a $70k truck. You drive a shitbox and it sits out in the snow... and IT LIKES IT.
But the wife doesn't. She'll complain... and when she says YOU should do something about the garage, she is NOT suggesting adding a second floor and annexing some driveway for a double wide.
A good friend from the DOCC, Steve Boan has two. One is tracked and the other is street.
He also has a 748 Duc with a 1098 motor in it. Scary fast.
Tell him to call me if he crashes the Duc. I want to swap the motor into the Grom.
Tell him to call me if he crashes the Duc. I want to swap the motor into the Grom.
He highsided his showbike MV in t9 mosport. Huge mess and broken collarbone. The bike landed on-top of the tire wall.
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