Philosophical questions


Well-known member
-Where do all the stock Harley-Davidson exhausts go, to the land of one sock ?

-What happens to all the keys and ownerships when someone is selling their old, munted motorcycle on Craigslist ?

- What does 'ran when parked' mean exactly ? Is there a time line involved ?

- 'No lowballers, I know what I've got' - is that really true or is the seller just trying to convince themselves ?

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What does 'ran when parked' mean exactly ?

Why do people always hack up the nice colour coded wiring harnesses on older Japanese bikes?
-Where do all the stock Harley-Davidson exhausts go, to the land of one sock ?

If done by the dealer, stock parts are saved and then sold later at swap meets.

If done at home then they sit on the shelf forever. The supply/demand for stock HD pipes is not great for sellers. I may try to get $50 one day for my full sportster or Dyna exhausts.
What I have wondered about for quite a few years now is................
Why so many people spend a small (sometime not so small) fortune to collect, restore and maintain a Vintage or Classic motorcycle and then just display it in their office, living room, or GarageMahol and never license it and go for a ride on it?

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Partly because they know the time, money and effort that went into getting it to the current state. Every time it moves, there is a chance it gets damaged. What if the part that is damaged is unobtanium now? Most of us don't have unlimited money/time. Sure, you could pick a cheaper/easier vehicle to start with but then you wouldn't have your dream art piece. If you think of it as art instead of a vehicle, the logic is even simpler. You don't carry around paintings so why would you move your bike out in public?

Don't get me wrong. I'm with you and love to see them ridden but I also understand how they end up on pedestals.
If done by the dealer, stock parts are saved and then sold later at swap meets.

If done at home then they sit on the shelf forever. The supply/demand for stock HD pipes is not great for sellers. I may try to get $50 one day for my full sportster or Dyna exhausts.
$50.00 Your Dreaming!!
I have purchased new pipes for $1.00 on EBay
$50.00 Your Dreaming!!
I have purchased new pipes for $1.00 on EBay
As more municipalities start cracking down on noise (started in Caledon but spreading quickly), the market for stock exhausts will improve. Even if it's just put on for long enough to take some pictures/video and get the ticket dropped before going back on a wall.
-Where do all the stock Harley-Davidson exhausts go, to the land of one sock ?
Sometimes they get passed on, put up for sale. Enragingly some people actually just throw it out or scrap it.
-What happens to all the keys and ownerships when someone is selling their old, munted motorcycle on Craigslist ?
I've had a few keys that advanced to a state of "this key will snap in half if I look at it wrong". Also, I have some keys that I don't remember what they were for anymore - if I clean them out, then one of them will DEFINITELY turn out to have been important.
- What does 'ran when parked' mean exactly ? Is there a time line involved ?
The most charitable version is "this vehicle was not parked due to engine failure", i.e. it may not run now but I have no reason to suspect internal damage, other than what entropy will cause
- 'No lowballers, I know what I've got' - is that really true or is the seller just trying to convince themselves ?
I don't generally trade in super-hot vehicles, but when you do, you will get the person that will try you for 5-10% of the value. It costs them nothing, and maybe they will win the lottery if grandma is selling her grandchild's Mustang while they're stuck in prison or signed up for a third tour. The real question is, what is a lowballer? If you overinflate the value of your vehicle, but I give you an fair offer, and we both know it, is that lowballing?
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What is a test pilot? Is it anyone who wants to test drive/ride your vehicle? Is it a hypothetical buyer who wants to heat up the brakes and burn rubber? Is it even unreasonable to want to be able to pour on some gas if you are inspecting a performance vehicle?
- Why do people post ads with photos of a bike that looks like it was just dragged out of land fill ? Don't they own a hose ?
- Why do people post ads with photos of a bike that looks like it was just dragged out of land fill ? Don't they own a hose ?
Those are a step above the ads that show it sleeping behind the shed covered in leaves/vines. At least stand the poor thing up and drag it out.
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- Why do people post ads with photos of a bike that looks like it was just dragged out of land fill ? Don't they own a hose ?
I also don't like ads where the pics were taken during its most recent wash.
The ones with the running water hose and huge water puddle around the bike and the bike not dryer off.
I can tell you where my socks went ... checked behind the washer in the unfinished basement 1 day and there they were. I guess as I tossed my laundry in, the odd one went over and down the back.
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My beef is with people who start a "barn find" and brag that it runs.
I have reconditioned (never use the word restore because it is misleading) a lot of vintage motorcycles and have a process I go thru BEFORE starting.
I had a guy brag about how his bike ran and did not smoke at all.
The problem was its a 2 stroke!!!
I also dealt with people who think if you pour gas down the spark plug hole and it fires twice its a running bike.
And lets not forget the catchall phrase NEADS A LITTLE TLC.
The ubiquitous "dropped by previous owner"
You never see the original source owner posting for sale, I guess these phantom "previously dropped" bikes just materialize.

"Just needs XYZ part to run"...
even so far as "here's where you can buy it cheap"
Ok, soooo.... you do it?
I have been known to purchase damaged bikes to fix and resell.
The problem is I have a conscience.
I will only sell a bike if it will pass a safety check.
Usually to Alberta Out Of Province Vehicle test standards that is a lot tougher than what is required in Ontario.
If its a parts bike I never sell with ownership and bill of sale states SALVAGE.
I have purchased bikes that other people have tried and failed to "fix to sell"
It often costs me more time and money to undo their damage than what was originally caused from a collision or neglect.
I have been accused of "taking a good picture".
This simply good photography and presentation not an attempt to deceive.
If I suspect the buyer is a "curber" (now called flippers) my conscience goes away.
If I suspect the buyer is a "curber" (now called flippers) my conscience goes away.
Curb siders were/are definitely a curse, especially during COVID.
They expect(ed) to get ridiculous $$$ for any semi-rolling piece of shite with no consequences.
I never buy or sell any motor vehicle without the promise of providing a UVIP and a legitimate safety.
That way I can sleep at night.
The last two motorcycles I sold turned up on Marketplace the next day at double the selling price.
They even had the balls to use my pictures from the original ad.
Thier ad description of the motorcycle where outright lies!
I am not sure what thier selling prices where but I watched long enough to see prices drop dramatically.
Why do people always hack up the nice colour coded wiring harnesses on older Japanese bikes?
Because they are not smart enough to figure out how to push in the little tab on the connecter to get it apart.
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